Friday, April 13, 2012

Why Most Self-Help Books, Motivational Products and Inspirational ...

Prior to working as a writer and editor for an online self-help superstore, I spent several years working as an Operational Manager in the publishing department of one of Britain?s largest mail order retailers. In a nutshell, my job was to make sure things happened on time, to budget and to the standard laid out in our many service level agreements. To that end, it was my remit to review our operational processes and improve them.

What has this got to do with self-help books, motivation products and inspirational systems?

Well, it was during this time that I learned about paradigms. And paradigms are central to why most self-help books, motivation products and inspirational systems fail.

So, what is a paradigm. The American Heritage Dictionary defines a paradigm as: a set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them.

In other words, a paradigm is a habitually-ingrained way of perceiving something.

Paradigms emerge for one simple reason: human beings like to feel comfortable. We like the familiar. We like to tread that well-worn path and know that all is right with the world. When we go to bed at night, we want everything to be the same, nothing out of place, when we get up the next morning and trudge into the shower. We like our routines. No news is good news, right?

Self-help books, motivation products and inspirational systems are by their very nature paradigms. Even that brand new self-help book, motivation CD or inspirational DVD, fresh off the shelf, represents a paradigm waiting to happen. To be fair, it?s unavoidable, as these products are designed to encourage you to look at things in a new way. In the process, you will doubtless lose some of your own inhibiting and potentially destructive paradigms, but you will simply swap them for another set of paradigms, ones which are just as prone to making it difficult (maybe even impossible) to tackle new problems and confront unprecedented situations.

Thankfully, during my pre-writer/editor days, I also learned how to deal with and remove paradigms.

The key is not to become reliant upon any single solution. In order to survive, the modern business cannot afford to cling slavishly to the tried-and-tested. Instead, a suite of solutions is always kept on hand, a bristling box of problem-busting tools.

Likewise, the modern seeker of self-improvement cannot afford to become reliant on a single solution or to simply swap one paradigm for another. A suite of solutions is required, mixed-and-matched according to the particular set of problems or issues that need dealing with at any given time.

The self-help marketplace is a wonderful thing, jam-packed with amazing self-help books, motivation products and inspirational systems. But why stop with one? Try them all and assemble a paradigm-proof toolbox for happiness and success.

For the best self help books, audio and downloads, visit The Happiness Superstore, the best self help store on the web!

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Can CW's "The Selection" catch "Hunger Games" fire?

NEW YORK ( - One of the CW's brightest hopes for next season is a show about a young girl in a futuristic, war-torn nation who is chosen by lottery to compete for fame and fortune against a backdrop of hunger and carnage.

Sound familiar? The CW hopes so.

"The Selection" is one of eight pilots the ratings-challenged CW is considering as a fall series; it will make its decisions this spring.

The hope is that "The Selection" might ride the success of "The Hunger Games" the way the network's biggest hit, "The Vampire Diaries," has surfed the "Twilight" phenomenon.

And it's no coincidence that the new series is written and produced by "Vampire Diaries" writers Elizabeth Craft and Sarah Fain.

All began as young adult novels, and the network acknowledges that "Twilight" and "The Hunger Games" stirred its interest in "The Vampire Diaries" and now "The Selection." But that doesn't make the shows rip-offs.

The "Vampire Diaries" novels predated the "Twilight" books by more than a decade. And the author of the novel "The Selection," the basis for the pilot, remembers jotting down the idea for it before "The Hunger Games" hit bookshelves.

But in the case of both "The Vampire Diaries" and "The Selection," the successful film adaptation of one series of books spawned an interest in a TV version of a different but similar series of novels.

HarperCollins will publish "The Selection," the first book in a planned trilogy, on April 24. Its author, Kiera Cass, says she first wrote down the idea in the summer of 2008 - soon before the first book in Suzanne Collins' "Hunger Games" trilogy was published.

Though she developed her ideas independently, she recognized that the success of Collins' series could help her sell her story, she said.

"I totally see how it lines up with 'The Hunger Games' - there's a lottery aspect, a competition, it's in the future - and when we went to pitch it to editors, that's how my agent and I described it: 'The Hunger Games' meets 'The Bachelor,'" Cass told TheWrap. "I don't think we expected that label to stick. But it kind of works. It's a lot lighter than 'The Hunger Games' though, so if that's something people are looking for, then they might really enjoy my book."

Or the show. Craft and Fain's pilot script makes no bones about its similarities to "The Hunger Games." A mention of the franchise appears on the first page of a recent draft, which also explains the rigid caste system in Cass' imagined land of Illea: "As in THE HUNGER GAMES," the script reads, "this future is harsh but lush."

But perhaps not as harsh as the one in "The Hunger Games."

As Cass notes, her book has a lighter tone. Its lead character, the immediately likeable America Singer, has to compete with 34 other girls for the affections of a prince in a competition held in his castle. The book's cover shows her trying on a beautiful dress.

Like Katniss Everdeen of "the Hunger Games," portrayed by Jennifer Lawrence on film, America is lucky enough to be played by an actress who can mix toughness and vulnerability. Aimee Teegarden's casting in the lead role should win "The Selection" at least some critical goodwill, if the series makes it to air, given her turn on the widely acclaimed "Friday Night Lights." Ethan Peck, grandson of Oscar-winning actor Gregory Peck, has been cast as the prince.

The girlier elements of "The Hunger Games" - Katniss undergoing a makeover to try to win popular support and finding herself torn between two brave, sensitive boys - are almost lost amid the surprising bloodshed. "The Selection" focuses more on its Cinderella story. It has its violence, though America isn't dishing it out, Katniss-style: The kingdom where she competes to win over Prince Maxon is under attack by rebels.

That lighter touch may help "The Selection" score with the CW's target audience, women 18-34, after a rough season for the network. Almost every returning drama is either down or flat in the ratings, both in the 18-34 demographic and the 18-49 demo most prized by advertisers. The only returning show that is up, "One Tree Hill," has aired its last episode.

"The Vampire Diaries," the network's biggest series, is hanging tough in both demos, neither gaining nor losing viewers. It averages a 1.3 rating in the 18-49 demo, a number that would be considered weak on any of the four biggest broadcasters.

This season's new shows - "Ringer," "Hart of Dixie" and "The Secret Circle" - have earned unimpressive numbers.

But "The Selection" isn't the CW's only hope for next season. "The Carrie Diaries," a prequel to "Sex and the City," may have a built-in audience thanks to that book-turned-show-turned-film franchise's popularity. "Arrow" hopes to repeat the long run of "Smallville" by following another DC Comics superhero, Green Arrow. And "Beauty and the Beast" stars "Smallville" actress Kristin Kreuk as the prettier half of the duo.

As dueling "Beauty and the Beast" projects show, a story need not be startlingly original to appeal to TV executives or audiences. CW's "Beauty and the Beast" updates the '80s CBS show of the same name. ABC has the pilot for the other "Beauty and the Beast."

All of the "Beauty and the Beast" shows are based on a fairy tale that is at least 270 years old.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Rick Santorum Suspends Republican Presidential Campaign

'Against all odds we won 11 states,' Santorum said on Tuesday (April 10).
By Gil Kaufman

Rick Santorum in Pennsylvania
Photo: Jeff Swensen/ Getty Images

After an improbable run that boosted him from a barely-considered fringe candidate a year ago to the last man standing to rival Mitt Romney
 for the Republican presidential nomination, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum announced he was suspending his campaign on Tuesday (April 10).

"We made the decision to get into this race at our kitchen table against all the odds and we made a decision over the weekend that while this presidential race for us is over, for me, and we will suspend our campaign effective today, we are not done fighting," he said.

The 12-minute afternoon press conference in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania featured Santorum surrounded by his family and backed by a flag as he re-iterated many of the themes of his campaign: the rebirth of American manufacturing, reforming Washington and a return to conservative values. "Against all odds we won 11 states, millions of voters, millions of votes," he said. "We won more counties than all the other people in this race combined."

With his emphasis on American manufacturing front-and-center to the end, Santorum even joked about his now-infamous sweater vests, noting that he sourced them from an American company, Minnesota's Bemidji Woolen Mills.

The suspension removed the last major obstacle to Romney's bid to become the uncontested front-runner in the race, paving the way for him to focus full-time on attacking President Obama. Santorum had positioned himself as the only true conservative left in the GOP field, sitting way behind the pack for much of 2011 as a wide field of other candidates, and would-be candidates, rose and fell before him, including Donald Trump, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry.

In late 2011, he caught fire unexpectedly, though, narrowly winning the Iowa caucus
 (after the fact), then winning 10 more states along the way, despite being vastly outspent and outmanned by Romney at every stop.

The press conference came a day after three-year-old daughter Isabella was released from the hospital following her latest health scare, which took place on Friday and kept the family by her side all of Easter weekend. Bella suffers from the genetic condition Trisomy 18 and her hospitalization resulted in Santorum canceling his campaign events on Monday and Tuesday and speculation that he might be considering a suspension of his efforts.

Romney released a statement praising his one-time foe, saying, "Senator Santorum is an able and worthy competitor, and I congratulate him on the campaign he ran. He has proven himself to be an important voice in our party and in the nation. We both recognize that what is most important is putting the failures of the last three years behind us and setting America back on the path to prosperity." Though the men traded harsh barbs during the campaign, it is expected that Santorum will fall in line and throw his support behind Romney in a bid to deny Obama a second term.

With polls showing that he was on track to possibly lose in the April 24 primary in his home state of Pennsylvania — which would have been embarrassing and possibly hurtful to his political future — Santorum's exit leaves Romney with just two remaining challengers. At press time neither Gingrich nor Congressman Ron Paul appears to present much of a threat, as they are far behind in the delegate count and in fundraising. Gingrich, who has won two primaries, conceded over the weekend that Romney is "far and away the most likely" nominee; libertarian Paul has yet to win a primary.

Like Santorum, Romney still faces a serious gap with Obama when it comes to young voters (18-29), 22 million of whom voted in 2008. According to the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE), Santorum was trailing among that demographic up until Super Tuesday, when his wins in the Alabama and Mississippi primaries helped vault him beyond youth-magnet Ron Paul. Even with that victory, though, Santorum still trailed Romney in terms of the overall youth vote count. Through Super Tuesday, the cumulative 2008 Democratic youth vote exceeded both the 2008 and 2012 count for the GOP, a figure that could prove important down the road for Romney.

Current estimates have Romney with 645 of the 1,144 delegates needed to win the nomination, with Santorum well behind at 252, Gingrich with 128 and Paul with 45. Romney still needs to reach the 1,144 figure to lock down the nomination, in addition to winning over the many still-unconvinced voters in the party's conservative base.

A Washington Post/ABC News poll released on Tuesday had Romney trailing Obama in a head-to-head race by a 51 to 44 percent margin.

Stick with MTV's Power of 12 throughout the presidential election season for updates and news from the campaigns.

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Deputy Prime Minister unveils detail of Government home ...

The Deputy Prime Minister has announced that at least ?540 million of the government?s home energy efficiency programme ? worth ?1.3bn per year ? will be targeted at helping the poorest.

In his speech, Nick Clegg said:

?We will be requiring the energy companies to provide an estimated ?1.3bn a year of support for energy efficiency in our homes with at least ?540m to fund energy saving improvements in the worst off homes.

This includes:

  • Around ?350m a year to deliver heating and insulation measures to around 270,000 low income and vulnerable households by 2015, helping them to heat their homes to a healthy level and demonstrating our commitment to tackling fuel poverty
  • For those living in the poorest areas, including in social housing, specific support worth around ?190m a year will be available from the energy companies to upgrade homes and flats with loft and cavity wall insulation, as well as other insulation measures, to make them warmer and cheaper to run.


  • A large proportion of the Energy Company Obligation will still be targeted at solid wall insulation, but support will be opened up for more measures than before ? including hard to treat cavity walls. And where solid wall or hard to treat cavity insulation is being installed this can be accompanied by other measures which reduce heat loss from a property, such as glazing and draught proofing.
  • Energy companies will be allowed to carry forward overachievement against their targets under the current Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (CERT) and Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP) and count it towards their ECO targets.
  • These changes will help smooth the transition for the insulation industry between current schemes and the Green Deal. We will continue work with this industry to see if there is more we can do to help them manage the impacts of the transition.

The full speech is available on the Cabinet Office website.

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Tips And Tips For Always keeping Suitable Fitness ... - Total Vibration

There is much more to physical fitness than exercising, possibly at home or in the gym. To attain your fitness goals requires know-how, endurance, and determination. Youll discover below some crucial ideas to starting up your physical fitness routine and which makes it final.

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Sip on water frequently throughout your exercise consultations. You may dehydrate because of your muscle tissue rubbing together with each other. As being a reaction, your system sweats as a means to get rid of the excess warm and interesting downward, which brings about slight dehydration.

If you wish ideal ab muscle tissues, get started an aerobic work out. For optimum results, workout 3 times weekly. Incorporate weight training and 30 minutes or so of cardio exercise into every single work out. Establishing stomach muscles is unsuccessful if they are engrossed in a coating of extra fat. Doing cardio will burn up that extra fat.

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Monday, April 9, 2012

Bowman provides strategies to engage public with climate change solutions

Bowman provides strategies to engage public with climate change solutions [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 9-Apr-2012
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Contact: Tom Bowman
Bowman Global Change

IPY 2012 session focuses on removing engagement barriers

April 9, 2012 Signal Hill, CA Tom Bowman, president of Bowman Global Change and climate science communication expert, will speak to polar researchers, policy and decision makers, and business professionals at the upcoming International Polar Year (IPY) 2012 From Knowledge to Action conference. In his presentation "Overcoming Breakdowns and Engaging the Public," Bowman will identify common engagement barriers and how to remove them in order to create more effective climate science outreach programs.

Bowman, who has designed award-winning climate change exhibits for the National Academy of Sciences Marian Koshland Museum and the Birch Aquarium at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, says prioritizing and translating scientific findings for specific audiences enables people to absorb complex content and make informed choices. "We need to help groups of people engage in decision-making together, not just individually. We become more effective communicators when we understand how different audiences process what we are telling them," says Bowman.

David Herring, Communications & Education Program Director, NOAA Climate Program Office, is co-convener for the IPY 2012 session entitled "Communicating Polar Science." Herring says Bowman brings a unique perspective on what the science community needs to do to effectively engage the public. "Having worked closely with scientists while designing exhibits and communication products, Tom thoroughly understands climate science. And he's walked the talk of reducing his own firm's carbon footprint so he understands how to take a balanced approach to growing a business while caring for the environment. Drawing on his experiences, Tom will help science communicators understand how to present climate science to their non-scientist audiences," says Herring.

The IPY 2012 conference will be held in Montral, Canada from April 22-27.


Bowman Global Change helps organizations make sustainable transformations. Combining the expertise of renowned scientists, behavioral scientists, and business and government leaders, Bowman Global Change facilitates transitions through education, analysis, planning, communication, and consulting projects. The company is led by Tom Bowman, an expert in green business, who has contributed his expertise to the White House Council on Environmental Quality, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Public Health Association and numerous exhibit industry groups. Bowman contributes a monthly "Ask Mr. Green" column to EXHIBITOR Online. Contact Bowman Global Change at 562.494.3400 or at

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Bowman provides strategies to engage public with climate change solutions [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 9-Apr-2012
[ | E-mail | Share Share ]

Contact: Tom Bowman
Bowman Global Change

IPY 2012 session focuses on removing engagement barriers

April 9, 2012 Signal Hill, CA Tom Bowman, president of Bowman Global Change and climate science communication expert, will speak to polar researchers, policy and decision makers, and business professionals at the upcoming International Polar Year (IPY) 2012 From Knowledge to Action conference. In his presentation "Overcoming Breakdowns and Engaging the Public," Bowman will identify common engagement barriers and how to remove them in order to create more effective climate science outreach programs.

Bowman, who has designed award-winning climate change exhibits for the National Academy of Sciences Marian Koshland Museum and the Birch Aquarium at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, says prioritizing and translating scientific findings for specific audiences enables people to absorb complex content and make informed choices. "We need to help groups of people engage in decision-making together, not just individually. We become more effective communicators when we understand how different audiences process what we are telling them," says Bowman.

David Herring, Communications & Education Program Director, NOAA Climate Program Office, is co-convener for the IPY 2012 session entitled "Communicating Polar Science." Herring says Bowman brings a unique perspective on what the science community needs to do to effectively engage the public. "Having worked closely with scientists while designing exhibits and communication products, Tom thoroughly understands climate science. And he's walked the talk of reducing his own firm's carbon footprint so he understands how to take a balanced approach to growing a business while caring for the environment. Drawing on his experiences, Tom will help science communicators understand how to present climate science to their non-scientist audiences," says Herring.

The IPY 2012 conference will be held in Montral, Canada from April 22-27.


Bowman Global Change helps organizations make sustainable transformations. Combining the expertise of renowned scientists, behavioral scientists, and business and government leaders, Bowman Global Change facilitates transitions through education, analysis, planning, communication, and consulting projects. The company is led by Tom Bowman, an expert in green business, who has contributed his expertise to the White House Council on Environmental Quality, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Public Health Association and numerous exhibit industry groups. Bowman contributes a monthly "Ask Mr. Green" column to EXHIBITOR Online. Contact Bowman Global Change at 562.494.3400 or at

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Prenatal care debate divides Nebraska Republicans

(AP) ? The issues of illegal immigration and abortion have split Nebraska's Republican-dominated politics, with some conservatives supporting a plan to offer state aid to pregnant women in the country illegally and others arguing that doing so would violate a bedrock GOP belief.

The measure has made opponents of typical allies, with Republican Gov. Dave Heineman pushing hard against the proposal, even while noting his strong opposition to abortion. The Republican speaker of the Legislature, Mike Flood, has taken the opposite position, supporting the measure while stating that he has always been against illegal immigration.

The measure would require the state to pay for prenatal care to low-income women who have entered the U.S. illegally. It would extend coverage to an estimated 1,162 fetuses each year at a cost of $650,000 in state money and $1.9 million in federal tax dollars.

The measure advanced through first of three required votes Tuesday night, 30-16. Fourteen of the "yes" votes came from Republicans, who joined with a contingent of typically out-numbered Democrats.

In an unusually terse news conference Wednesday, Heineman said he was "extraordinarily disappointed" with the Legislature's veto-proof vote to support the measure.

Lawmakers later Wednesday night advanced the bill through the second of three votes, 29-16, one vote short of being veto-proof.

Heineman singled out Flood, saying he and other lawmakers were wrong to support taxpayer-funded benefits to illegal immigrants, regardless of the reason.

"Unless you and the Legislature reverse course, the legacy of this session will be one in which illegals were given preferential treatment over legal Nebraska citizens," Heineman said, reading from a letter that his staff hand-delivered to the speaker's office. "This will be a session remembered for a tax increase on legal, working Nebraskan men and women while illegal aliens were provided taxpayer-funded benefits."

Heineman said the issue revolves around immigration, not abortion, and that the bill would turn Nebraska into "a magnet for illegal aliens."

He said churches and private charities, not the state, should support pregnant women who have entered the country illegally.

"I am one of the most pro-life governors in America," he said. "This is about illegal immigration, and Nebraskans know that."

Flood, who has sponsored legislation banning late-term abortions, said the immigration concern is important but trumped by the health concerns for unborn children who lack access to prenatal vitamins, ultrasounds, doctors and nurses. He said medical data do not support the notion that pregnant illegal immigrants would move to a state for prenatal care.

"For me, when you weigh the two issues, you have a baby's life and health in the balance," Flood said. "That's weighted more. Take illegal immigration and in-state tuition. That one, I think, is weighted differently, because there is no life at stake."

Abortion opponents said the vote marked an important victory to assuage their fears about the health of unborn children, and the prospect that women without access to care could seek abortions.

"This child's health and future and well-being are potentially at stake," said Greg Schleppenbach, a spokesman for the Nebraska Catholic Conference. "It should be weighted much more toward care for this human being, rather than strict adherence to immigration law."

Supporters argue that by helping women have a healthy pregnancy, the state would reduce infant deaths and ultimately save money by avoiding emergency births, long hospital stays and treatment for children who develop complications.

Opponents say the bill would reward unlawful behavior with taxpayer-funded benefits and could attract more illegal immigrants to Nebraska.

Roughly 870 illegal immigrants and 750 legal residents lost coverage in 2010, when the federal government ordered the state to stop offering the benefits through Medicaid. The bill would enroll women under the federal Children's Health Insurance Program, which allows fetuses to qualify federal- and state-funded care.

Opponents said the money is needed elsewhere.

"Nobody wants to see a baby suffer. Nobody wants to see a baby come into this world who has issues ? none of us do," said Ogallala Sen. Ken Schilz. "But on the other side of that, there is an absolute cost to all of this, and that cost has to be borne by someone."

A group of lawmakers tried in 2010 to create a federally sanctioned program that would have qualified fetuses for coverage, but the effort failed under the weight of anti-illegal immigration sentiment and election-year anxiety.

Some health care institutions, including a practice at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, have helped fill the void by providing free or discounted prenatal services to women who lost coverage. It's unclear how many benefited.

Health care providers that serve pregnant women say the loss of coverage has endangered women and their pregnancies.

Rebecca Rayman, executive director of the Good Neighbor Community Health Center in Columbus, said the loss of Medicaid coverage has drawn more women to her clinic, which is federally recognized and cannot deny service based on an inability to pay.

She said the cuts have also meant longer drives for women ? 150 miles, in some cases ? who often lack reliable transportation. The center's average patient load of 139 pregnant women in March 2010 surged last year to 366.

The amount the clinic received in Medicaid reimbursement fell to $333,000 last year, compared with nearly $524,000 in 2009, which forced cuts to dental services and other less-pressing needs. Rayman said four fetuses died after the subsidized care ended.

"The whole immigration argument is puzzling to me," she said. "When I think of the United States, we don't punish the innocent. And a newborn child is innocent. It's not an immigration issue. It's a health care issue."

Abortion is an especially important issue in Nebraska, which has become a national leader in efforts to limit the procedure. In 2010, the state became the first to ban abortions after 20 weeks of gestation based on the disputed notion that a fetus can feel pain at that point.

"That baby, at 20 weeks and one day, is a baby ? not a fetus," said Republican Sen. Sen. Bob Krist, of Omaha. "At 20 weeks, that is a future citizen of the United States, and a fellow Nebraskan. If you deny services for the baby or the life support system ? the mother ? you are harming a future Nebraskan."

Associated Press

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Brazil filling vacuum left by US in Latin America: analysts

With a booming economy, considerable mineral wealth and enhanced international prestige, Brazil has in recent years filled the power vacuum left by the United States in Latin America, experts say.

The presidents of the two dominant powers in the Western Hemisphere will meet next week, first in Washington and later in the Colombian city of Cartagena for the summit of the Americas.

When US President Barack Obama welcomes his Brazilian counterpart Dilma Rousseff at the White House next Monday, he will no doubt take the full measure of Brazil's increased clout in a region that Washington used to view as its own "backyard."

Now the world's sixth largest economy and a key member of the BRICS bloc of emerging powers (Brazil, China, India, Russia and South Africa), Brazil is pursuing a more pragmatic and less ideological agenda in the region, according to analysts.

Since former Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso convened the first South American summit in 2000, this country, which makes up half of South America in terms of GDP and population, has been financing major infrastructure projects such as the highway linking Brazil's Atlantic coast to Peru's Pacific ports.

"The interconnection of South American countries, the integration of trade, investment and infrastructure are priorities on Brazil's regional agenda," said former Brazilian foreign minister Luiz Felipe Lampreia.

In less than 10 years, Brazil's National Development Bank (BNDES) has increased sevenfold its regional loans for infrastructure projects.

The continent's physical integration will also be high on the agenda of the April 14-15 regional summit in Cartagena.

Like the Brazilians, the Chinese have also taken advantage of US neglect of the region to finance oil drilling and mining projects in Brazil, Colombia and Peru, as well as a railway in Colombia to link the Caribbean with the Pacific.

For most Latin American countries, the top trading partner today is not the United States but rather Brazil or China.

In 2009, China dislodged the United States as Brazil's biggest partner with bilateral trade reaching $77 billion last year, and Brazil enjoying a trade surplus of some $11.5 billion.

"There is a rivalry between Brazil and the United States for regional leadership. Rather than leadership, China is meanwhile seeking influence in the region through trade, exports and funding of infrastructure work," professor David Fleischer, of Brasilia University, told AFP.

Washington is also facing a greater degree of autonomy by the region, as evidenced by the creation of regional bodies such as the Union of South American Nations and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, which group Latin American and Caribbean countries and leave out the United States.

"The weight of the United States in the region has considerably diminished. There is some bewilderment in the United States about a more assertive, more autonomous Latin America, which shows greater self-confidence and has more partners such as China," said Mauricio Santoro, an international relations expert at the Getulio Vargas Foundation, a prestigious think tank.

"Brazil has filled this vacuum, particularly in South America," he added.

Next Monday, Rousseff will return the visit Obama made to Brazil in March 2011.

The two countries are sticking to the cordial but a little distant relationship pursued under president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (2003-2010), although his successor, Rousseff, "is less ideological, more pragmatic," Rubens Barbosa, a former Brazilian ambassador to the United States, told AFP.

Barbosa said Washington, under Obama, is giving Brazil greater recognition.

"They listen more to Brazil, which could become a major oil supplier for the United States," he noted.

Another item on the agenda of Rousseff's White House talks will be the decision by the Pentagon in February to cancel a $355 million contract with US firm Sierra Nevada Corp. and Brazil's Embraer for 20 Embraer AT-29 Super Tucano aircraft.

The cancelation irritates the Brazilians and it could affect their decision on who should supply them with 36 multi-role combat aircraft, a contract valued at between $4 billion and $7 billion.

US aviation giant Boeing's F/A-18 Super Hornet is competing with the Rafale fighter, made by French firm Dassault Aviation, and Swedish manufacturer Saab's Gripen jet for the contract.

Rousseff is also keen to open the doors of the best US universities to more Brazilian students.

Next Tuesday, she will travel to Harvard University and the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology to discuss her "science without borders" program.

Under the scheme, Brazilians will be granted 100,000 scholarships to study in the best universities in the United States, Belgium, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and South Korea.

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Maddow: Bush-era torture was "probably a war crime" that Obama is "legally obligated to prosecute" (Americablog)

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How to Cure Knee Pain? Pain Management or Functioning ...

?The?doctor?of the?future?will give?no?medicine,?but will?instruct?his?patient?in the?care of?the human?frame,?in?diet and?in the?cause?and?prevention of?disease.??-?Thomas A. Edison


?So?doc?can you?tell me?how to?cure?knee?pain??

?Well?at this point?its?just?Pain Management. Heres?the?prescription?for?pain?meds?to take.?

Does?this idea?seem like?something you?already have?been told?after?screaming??my?knee?hurts???I?m sure?you have heard?a doctor?expressing?this approach.?I have?heard?it?of?doctors?when it comes to?my own?backache?to?intestine?discomfort.?When you want?to know?how to cure knee pain,?you want?a cure,?not really a?pill.?And?unfortunately?in?modern day?society?a?pill?is just?given?off?as a?cure.?Even though?its?anything?but?that.

As a thoughtful?Health and fitness?Specialist,?I see?pain management?like the?cop?out of?a medical doctor.?For me,?this?can mean?you have?no idea?the way to?cure?my?knee?pain,?so you?inform me?to manage?it,?by using a?medicine.

Certainly not?ME!

I do not?want to?take?drugs.?My?stomach?doesn?t?like?them?most especially,?and that?s?simply no?way to?live.?The?pills?today?have an?aggressive?amount of?uncomfortable side effects?that is?in fact?more?harmful?to take?the?pill?compared to?to?not.?In addition, who wants?to actually??manage??pain??I do not?know?any person?that would?choose to?deal with?pains?forever.?I do,?however?know?persons that?want to discover?how to?cure?knee?pain.?And that?s?some thing?we are able to?do.?Moreover,?currently being?reliant?on a?pill?in?my personal?daily life?to function,?is not?a means to?live.

I?d like?to express my thanks?each one of these?physicians,?because?their?patients?become?my?clients.?I get?rid of?knee?pain?by way of?functionality,?not a?pill.?My very own?goal?is to?develop a?pain?free?life style?by showing?people how to?cure?knee?pain.

Thomas?A?. Edison?was really?on to?some thing,?and if?I was able to?I would like?to express my thanks?him?for?manifesting?my?work?being a?Functional?Movement?Expert?and?Fitness?Specialist?allowing?me?to help?people young and old?live?pain?free?day-to-day.

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Gleason upset over release of Williams recording

FILE - In this Dec. 12, 2010 file photo, New Orleans Saints defensive coordinator Gregg Williams gestures in the second half of an NFL football game aainst the St. Louis Rams, in New Orleans. A newly released recording purports to capture former Saints defensive coordinator Williams telling players to "put a lick" on San Francisco's Kyle Williams to see if the receiver has lingering effects from an earlier concussion. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert, File)

FILE - In this Dec. 12, 2010 file photo, New Orleans Saints defensive coordinator Gregg Williams gestures in the second half of an NFL football game aainst the St. Louis Rams, in New Orleans. A newly released recording purports to capture former Saints defensive coordinator Williams telling players to "put a lick" on San Francisco's Kyle Williams to see if the receiver has lingering effects from an earlier concussion. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert, File)

FILE - In this Jan. 14, 2012 file photo, San Francisco 49ers running back Frank Gore (21) is tackled by New Orleans Saints strong safety Roman Harper (41) during the second quarter of an NFL divisional playoff football game, in San Francisco. A newly released recording purports to capture former Saints defensive coordinator Gregg Williams telling players to "put a lick" on San Francisco's Kyle Williams to see if the receiver has lingering effects from an earlier concussion. In the recording from a meeting before the Saints played the 49ers in a playoff game in January, Williams urges players to beat running back Frank Gore's head, "lay out" quarterback Alex Smith and go after receiver Michael Crabtree's knee. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma, File)

FILE - This Jan. 14, 2012 file photo shows San Francisco 49ers wide receiver Michael Crabtree (15) celebrating after scoring on a 4-yard touchdown reception during the first quarter of an NFL divisional playoff football game against the New Orleans Saints, in San Francisco. A newly released recording purports to capture former Saints defensive coordinator Gregg Williams telling players to "put a lick" on San Francisco's Kyle Williams to see if the receiver has lingering effects from an earlier concussion. In the recording from a meeting before the Saints played the 49ers in a playoff game in January, Williams urges players to beat running back Frank Gore's head, "lay out" quarterback Alex Smith and go after receiver Michael Crabtree's knee. (AP Photo/Ben Margot, File)

FILE - This Jan. 14, 2012 file photo shows San Francisco 49ers quarterback Alex Smith (11) passing against the New Orleans Saints during the second quarter of an NFL divisional playoff football game, in San Francisco. A newly released recording purports to capture former Saints defensive coordinator Gregg Williams telling players to "put a lick" on San Francisco's Kyle Williams to see if the receiver has lingering effects from an earlier concussion. In the recording from a meeting before the Saints played the 49ers in a playoff game in January, Williams urges players to beat running back Frank Gore's head, "lay out" quarterback Alex Smith and go after receiver Michael Crabtree's knee. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma, File)

(AP) ? A recording of then-New Orleans defensive coordinator Gregg Williams urging players to deliver punishing hits on specific San Francisco players was released without approval from retired special teams standout Steve Gleason, who had helped a documentary filmmaker gain behind-the-scenes access to the Saints.

"I feel deflated and disappointed. I feel frustrated and distracted," Gleason said in a statement on his website.

Gleason has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, and has allowed filmmaker Sean Pamphilon to capture his struggle with the incurable disease. He played for the Saints from 2000 to 2007 and maintains a strong relationship with the club, which has backed his efforts to improve the lives of those living with the debilitating symptoms of ALS.

Gleason's connections to the team and to Pamphilon allowed the documentarian to be in the room with the Saints defense ahead of New Orleans' 36-32 playoff loss to San Francisco in January.

"The Saints have been incredibly open and supportive of me and my family during my disease progression," Gleason wrote. "From my perspective, the Saints have helped begin to shift the paradigm of how an NFL team should treat its players after retirement."

"I included Sean Pamphilon in some of these activities, because I felt my relationship with the Saints was an integral part of my overall journey," Gleason said in the statement posted Friday. "The Saints trusted me and gave us unlimited access in filming, and I, in turn, trusted Sean Pamphilon."

Gleason said there was an agreement that he and his family would own the rights to any recordings made of his interaction with the Saints and that "nothing can be released without my explicit approval."

"I did not authorize the public release of any recordings," Gleason continued.

Williams is suspended indefinitely for his admitted role overseeing a bounty system that rewarded Saints defenders with cash for painful hits during his tenure with the team from 2009 to 2011. The assistant coach left New Orleans after the playoff loss and was hired as defensive coordinator by the St. Louis Rams.

The recording, which Pamphilon posted on one of his promotional websites, purports to capture Williams telling players to "put a lick" on 49ers receiver Kyle Williams to see if he had lingering effects from a concussion.

Williams also tells his players to "beat (running back) Frank Gore's head," and "lay out" quarterback Alex Smith. He also reminds his players that receiver Michael Crabtree "becomes human when we ... take out that outside ACL," a reference to the anterior cruciate ligament in the receiver's knee.

Pamphilon did not respond to messages left by The Associated Press. He said in an email to The Times-Picayune that while some may accuse him of orchestrating a publicity grab, he felt compelled to release the audio because he believes deeply that "parents of children playing football MUST pay attention to the influence of men who will sacrifice their kids for W's."

The NFL's bounty probe has led to unprecedented punishment for the Saints, including the suspension of coach Sean Payton for the entire 2012 season. Commissioner Roger Goodell also handed down suspensions of eight games for general manager Mickey Loomis and six games for assistant head coach Joe Vitt. The team was fined $500,000 and docked second-round draft picks this year and next.

The Saints met with Goodell in New York to appeal all of those sanctions on Thursday, and the commissioner is expected to either affirm or modify his initial ruling in the coming days.

The NFL's report on the bounty program also found between 22 and 27 Saints defenders participated, but a couple of those who played in New Orleans during the period in question told the AP they take issue with how the system has been portrayed.

The players spoke on condition of anonymity because the NFL has not decided how to punish players connected to the improper bonus program.

"I don't feel like anything was ever literal," one of the players said, referring to the way coaches like Williams and teammates spoke of brutalizing opponents.

"There's a pretty good sense of fraternity around the league, and players generally understand and respect the bounds of the game. But it takes a lot of passion to play football, and the tough talk was more about getting players in the right mind-frame to go out and do their job."

The players also said it's common around the league to participate in incentive pools and to discuss testing an opposing player's threshold for pain, particularly when he has a known injury.

"When it was spoken about ? and it was spoken about on every team ? it's more along the lines of: 'Tom Brady has sore ribs, so let's test him out. Let's test out his ribs,'" the second player said.

"You're just trying to win the game," the player continued. "It's a business and we want to attack our competing business' weakness."

Associated Press

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