Saturday, November 10, 2012

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    January Jones welcomes back the popular Humorist Bobbe White discussing "Turkey Talk" for the upcoming Thanksgving Holiday. Bobbe shares her thoughts on "Downsizing Thanksgiving" with humor and hope for everyone.

  • Fred Williamson; actor, director, producer and former football player joins the show today. Fred has stared numerous films, Three The Hard Way, Bronx Wariors, Orginal Gangstas and Starsky & Hutch. Fred has also starred in the TV series The Cloud Miners and Star Trek. He is also being inducted into the Kansas City Hall of Fame and has a new movie titled: "The Last Ounce of Courage".

  • Follow those eggs over easy riders Garrison and Scot with this week's guests: Mike Vaughan, former Director of Marketing for Kawasaki Motors Corp USA and former CEO of Triumph Motorcycles America and indie singer-songwriter Ainjel Emme.

  • From the people who brought you such introductions as 'Barbara Streisand', 'Dream Come True' and the 'Julia Child' rose, Karen Kemp-Docksteader from Weeks Roses joins Rose Chat Radio to preview their 2013 rose introductions.

  • Does money make you happy? Do your kids, family and your work make you happy? Do you live in a world that values and promotes happiness and well-being? Are we in the midst of a happiness revolution? Kardec Radio interviews Roko Belic, the director of the "Happy" movie.

  • Paul Gant's GO4IT (@goforitgant) will be joined by Indianapolis Colts DB Sergio Brown, who will discuss the season and more. Also, Hall of Famer Willie Roaf will stop by to discuss all things NFL.

  • Laura Jane has performed and recorded with some of the biggest names in the business, such as Latin Superstar Enrique Iglesias, Dave Matthews Band and Kelly Clarkson. Joy Keys chats with Singer Laura Jane about her second album Everything Changes.

  • Cooking it up in the Callywood Nation Chef Darrell "Das" Smith from Food Network's: Next Food Network Star; Season 6. Food is life -literally. Come tune in to see what's cooking!

  • In Hour One: Chris Cope is the CEO of SlimWare Utilities and the Chief Technology Correspondent! He presents new and exciting Tech products for your computer! In Hour Two: Ralph brings the latest stories and Tech gadgets in the world of Computers!

  • Join Take 2 Radio as they make their debut. Pam, Dawn & Jay, bring you up close and personal to some of the best actors, and artists in the entertainment industry. Always entertaining & the hottest show around, Take 2 Radio the show you won?t want to miss!

  • join hosts The Bad Seed and Nadine Michel as they welcome Queensbridge representer and 25 to life member Imam Thug to the show. Imam discusses the drama between prodigy and havoc which led to the group mobb deep's demise. He also talks Noreaga and Tragedy.

  • Today, Fernando Hernandez, author of "The Cubans" joins Canto Speaks. Sylvio and Fernando will discuss the story of Roberto Goizueta the Chief Financial Officer of Coca Cola.

  • Jaimee Lee and Dr John welcome Barbara Hand Clow to the program tonight. Barbara Hand Clow is an internationally recognized Mayan Elder, Ceremonial Teacher, and Cherokee Record Keeper. She is the author of over ten books including: ?The Mayan Code.

  • Jaimee Lee and Dr John welcome Barbara Hand Clow to the program tonight. Barbara Hand Clow is an internationally recognized Mayan Elder, Ceremonial Teacher, and Cherokee Record Keeper. She is the author of over ten books including: ?The Mayan Code.

  • Vicki Vann returns to Jammin Jukebox Radio Show to kick off their holiday music season. Jammin' Jukebox chats with Vicki about her holiday release and then you're in for a real treat as they feature some of her holiday music to get you in the holiday spirit!

  • Independent game developer, Jacques Montemoi?o, is interviewed by GaminG4Respect with his new title (Jake Konoichi: Butterfly Legend) being released this weekend. Jacques is one of only five Hispanic-American's to be the Head of a game development studio. Jacques' studio is called Gideon Games, and he has achieved much, much more.

  • Host Sonia Fitch of Variety Topics Talk welcomes author celebrity trainer spokesperson and Fitness Hall Of Famer Kathy Kaehler. For thirteen years, she appeared on the TODAY Show as the fitness correspondent while training celebrities such as Julia Roberts and more!

  • Tune in to listen to Season 1, Episode 2 of Verses and Flow Spoken word by Thea Monyee and David Banner Brought to you by Lexus

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    High court to take new look at voting rights law

    (AP) ? The Supreme Court said Friday it will consider eliminating the government's most potent weapon against racial discrimination at polling places since the 1960s. The court acted three days after a diverse coalition of voters propelled President Barack Obama to a second term in the White House.

    With a look at affirmative action in higher education already on the agenda, the court is putting a spotlight on race by re-examining the ongoing necessity of laws and programs aimed at giving racial minorities access to major areas of American life from which they once were systematically excluded.

    "This is a term in which many core pillars of civil rights and pathways to opportunity hang in the balance," said Debo Adegbile, acting president and director-counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund.

    In an order Friday, the justices agreed to hear a constitutional challenge to the part of the landmark Voting Rights Act that requires all or parts of 16 states with a history of discrimination in voting to get federal approval before making any changes in the way they hold elections.

    The high court considered the same issue three years ago but sidestepped what Chief Justice John Roberts then called "a difficult constitutional question."

    The new appeal from Shelby County, Ala., near Birmingham, says state and local governments covered by the law have made significant progress and no longer should be forced to live under oversight from Washington.

    "The America that elected and reelected Barack Obama as its first African-American president is far different than when the Voting Rights Act was first enacted in 1965. Congress unwisely reauthorized a bill that is stuck in a Jim Crow-era time warp. It is unconstitutional," said Edward Blum, director of the not-for-profit Project on Fair Representation, which is funding the challenges to the voting rights law and affirmative action.

    But defenders of the law said there is a continuing need for it and pointed to the Justice Department's efforts to block voter ID laws in South Carolina and Texas, as well as a redistricting plan in Texas that a federal court found discriminated against the state's large and growing Hispanic population. "What we know even more clearly now than we did when the court last considered this question is that a troubling strain of obstructing the path to the ballot box remains a part of our society," Adegbile said.

    Since the court's decision in 2009, Congress has not addressed potential problems identified by the court. Meanwhile, the law's opponents sensed its vulnerability and filed several new lawsuits.

    Addressing those challenges, lower courts have concluded that a history of discrimination and more recent efforts to harm minority voters justify continuing federal oversight.

    The justices said they will examine whether the formula under which states are covered is outdated because it relies on 40-year old data. By some measures, states covered by the law are outperforming some that are not.

    Tuesday's election results also provide an interesting backdrop for the court's action. Americans re-elected the nation's first African-American president. Exit polls across the country indicated Obama won the votes of more than 70 percent of Hispanics and more than 90 percent of blacks. In Alabama, however, the exit polls showed Obama won only about 15 percent of the state's white voters. In neighboring Mississippi, the numbers were even smaller, at 10 percent, the surveys found.

    The case probably will be argued in February or March, with a decision expected by late June.

    The advance approval, or preclearance requirement, was adopted in the Voting Rights Act in 1965 to give federal officials a potent tool to defeat persistent efforts to keep blacks from voting.

    The provision was a huge success, and Congress periodically has renewed it over the years. The most recent occasion was in 2006, when a Republican-led Congress overwhelmingly approved and President George W. Bush signed a 25-year extension.

    The requirement currently applies to the states of Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia. It also covers certain counties in California, Florida, New York, North Carolina and South Dakota, and some local jurisdictions in Michigan and New Hampshire. Coverage has been triggered by past discrimination not only against blacks, but also against American Indians, Asian-Americans, Alaskan Natives and Hispanics.

    Before these locations can change their voting rules, they must get approval either from the U.S. Justice Department's civil rights division or from the federal district court in Washington that the new rules won't discriminate.

    Congress compiled a 15,000-page record and documented hundreds of instances of apparent voting discrimination in the states covered by the law dating to 1982, the last time it had been extended.

    Six of the affected states, Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, South Carolina, South Dakota and Texas, are backing Shelby County's appeal.

    In 2009, Roberts indicated the court was troubled about the ongoing need for a law in the face of dramatically improved conditions, including increased minority voter registration and turnout rates. Roberts attributed part of the change to the law itself. "Past success alone, however, is not adequate justification to retain the preclearance requirements," he said.

    Jurisdictions required to obtain preclearance were chosen based on whether they had a test restricting the opportunity to register or vote and whether they had a voter registration or turnout rate below 50 percent.

    A divided panel of federal appeals court judges in Washington said that the age of the information being used is less important than whether it helps identify jurisdictions with the worst discrimination problems.

    Shelby County, a well-to-do, mostly white bedroom community near Birmingham, adopted Roberts' arguments in its effort to have the voting rights provision declared unconstitutional.

    Yet just a few years earlier, a town of nearly 12,000 people in Shelby County defied the voting rights law and prompted the intervention of the Bush Justice Department.

    Ernest Montgomery won election as the only black member of the five-person Calera City Council in 2004 in a district that was almost 71 percent black. The city redrew its district lines in 2006 after new subdivisions and retail developments sprang up in the area Montgomery represented, and the change left his district with a population that was only 23 percent black.

    Running against a white opponent in the now mostly white district, Montgomery narrowly lost a re-election bid in 2008. The Justice Department invalidated the election result because the city had failed to obtain advance approval of the new districts.

    The case is Shelby County v. Holder, 12-96.

    Associated Press


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    Can free games work on console? | Games industry news | MCV

    If you believe the boss of developer Crytek, then games consoles are facing a crisis.

    The firm?s CEO Cevat Yerli says that its three upcoming console titles ? Homefront 2, Crysis 3 and Ryse ? will be its last ?50 products. After then it?ll focus all its efforts on creating free-to-play games.

    And he is adamant that if Sony and Microsoft don?t adapt to this new business model, then the console market will die.

    ?This will be the last console generation,? he tells MCV.

    ?If consoles don?t join free-to-play gaming aggressively from now on, then it will be outpaced by PC and mobile. If they don?t adapt they are not going to survive.?

    Companies have tried to engage the platform holders in the past with its free titles. Cambridge-based Jagex has attempted to bring its free MMO RuneScape to consoles, but has met resistance.

    ?Free-to-play would have been huge on consoles if the console owners had embraced it,? says Jagex chief marketing officer David Solari.

    ?It?s still likely free-to-play will be a big part of the console offering in the future but they will need to adapt and be willing to allow their users to play with players on other platforms which seems to be a step too far currently ? this was certainly the case for us when we were talking to them about RuneScape.?

    Sony and Microsoft are not oblivious to free-to-play. Microsoft has developed several freemium PC games, including Age of Empires Online and Microsoft Flight. And Sony?s PlayStation Home virtual world is built on that model. Only Nintendo has resisted the micro-transactions entirely ? although the platform holder has developed free software in the past.

    Yet this is beginning to change this Christmas. Both Xbox and PlayStation are making more tentative steps into the free-to-play market. Xbox has launched F2P game Happy Wars (although it requires an Xbox Live subscription so partially misses the point).

    But the big one comes from Eve Online developer CCP, who are creating a free micro-transaction-based FPS called Dust 514 for PS3.

    ?Sony working with CCP and making that game is a great step forward, and they should be applauded,? adds Yerli. ?If Sony embraces free-to-play as a major way for PlayStation, that could be the key console. I would love to see a generation that supports free-to-play, because we will support it.?

    David Reid is the chief marketing officer at CCP, and in many ways he is the ideal candidate to discuss freemium on consoles. Not only does he have extensive free-to-play experience from his stints at Trion Worlds and NCsoft, he is also a former marketing executive from Xbox.

    ?A lot of the big disruptions in our industry start on the PC,? observes Reid.

    ?It?s where online gaming began. It?s where genres like FPS were born. Clearly, it?s where the MMO was born. But over time some of these things get much bigger on the console and our belief has always been that free-to-play is going to be big on the console. We?re very pleased to be in a position to be first with a big triple-A game out there. We look at 2013 and expect there will be a lot more. It won?t be such a new idea next year.?

    Early signs suggest that Reid is correct. Shortly after we spoke to CCP, Sony announced that its SingStar series will be adopting a freemium-style business model.

    Reid believes Sony?s aggression in this area will pay dividends for the platform holder.

    ?It is always natural that the challenger in the console business is going to be more ambitious and take a few more risks than the leader. Last generation I was at Xbox and we were having our arses handed to us three to one. And Xbox was the one that was trying to do these crazy new things, what with Xbox Live and working with developers and their different ways. Five years later, things have changed and now Sony is being more aggressive and thinking more about how things are going forward. It is a very cyclical business and it feels like we are coming around to another big turn again.?

    There are still some challenges around free-to-play on console, such as the need to migrate customers from one generation to the next, plus the ability to play with gamers on other platforms.

    But these issues are being addressed. Sony and Microsoft may be late to the party, but they?re catching up.

    Reid concludes: ?I think in the console space it was hard for some of the big publishers to get their brains around it until they saw some of the PC success stories, like League of Legends and World of Tanks.

    ?So now the console guys are saying that this is a big opportunity. You can argue that if they had a way to monetise Call of Duty differently, then you?d have a lot more people playing and a lot of people willing to pay more than $60.

    ?It is a bit of a foreign concept, having a game with five or 10 million players, with 80-plus per cent never spending any money. In the console space that has never happened. But we are seeing the change happen. We are living it right now. It happens faster on the PC than on the console, but the console guys are watching it very closely and will be involved a lot more with the next generation.?


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    Friday, November 9, 2012

    Walt Weiss hired as Colorado Rockies manager

    DENVER (AP) ? Walt Weiss is making the rare jump from the high school dugout to the big leagues.

    The Colorado Rockies hired the former major league shortstop Wednesday night to replace manager Jim Tracy, who resigned Oct. 7 with one year and $1.4 million left on his contract rather than return to a club where its assistant general manager had moved into an office in the clubhouse.

    The 1988 AL Rookie of the Year with Oakland, Weiss played shortstop for the Rockies from 1994-97 and was a special assistant to general manager Dan O'Dowd from 2002-08.

    He left to spend more time with his family and last season coached Regis Jesuit High School outside Denver, in Aurora, to a 20-6 record and the 5A semifinals of the state championship. Weiss' son, Brody, is in his senior year at the school.

    The Rockies made the announcement after owner Dick Monfort and top officials deliberated at the general managers' meetings in Indian Wells, Calif. ? held at a hotel Monfort owns, the Hyatt Regency Indian Wells Resort & Spa.

    Weiss didn't return a phone message and e-mail from The Associated Press. A team spokesman said Weiss would be introduced at a news conference Friday at Coors Field.

    "It was a lot of different things," general manager Dan O'Dowd said before suggesting senior vice president of major league operations Bill Geivett speak about Weiss' hiring. Geivett didn't immediately return phone messages.

    Weiss and Arizona coach Matt Williams were the finalists to replace Tracy, who quit following the worst season in franchise history. Rockies bench coach Tom Runnells and first baseman Jason Giambi also interviewed, with Giambi saying he would retire as a player if he got the job.

    The 48-year-old Weiss spent parts of 14 seasons in the major leagues, also playing for Oakland (1987-92), Florida (1993) and Atlanta (1998-2000). A .258 career hitter, he was an All-Star in the 1998 game at Denver's Coors Field.

    Colorado had more familiarity with Weiss than with Williams.

    "He would take trips in the minor leagues. He was always around with the major league club at home, as well," Geivett said earlier Wednesday. "I know Walt pretty well."

    Williams, a five-time All-Star third baseman, has been Arizona's third base coach the last two seasons after a year coaching first base. Before that, he was a Diamondbacks' broadcaster for five years.

    "I played against him in college when he was at UNLV," Geivett said. "No real personal contact."

    Weiss is just the sixth manager for the Rockies, following Don Baylor (1993-98), Jim Leyland (1999), Buddy Bell (2000-02), Clint Hurdle (2002-09) and Tracy (2009-12).

    Colorado went 64-98 last season under Tracy, who was promoted from bench coach to manager in May 2009 and was voted the NL Manager of the Year after guiding Colorado into the playoffs that season.

    The Rockies started strong in 2010 but faded at the finish and they ended up going 294-308 under Tracy, who also had worked with Geivett in Montreal and Los Angeles.

    Energized by the young players and the challenge of fixing things, Tracy said repeatedly toward the end of last season that he wanted to fulfill the final year on his contract in 2013. But he changed his mind after meeting with Geivett following the team's last-place finish in the NL West.

    Things changed dramatically for Tracy on Aug. 1 when Geivett, the assistant general manager, was given an office in the clubhouse and began focusing on roster management, particularly as it related to the pitchers, and evaluating the coaching staff and the rest of the players. Tracy's responsibilities were narrowed to game management and meeting with the media.

    "I thought we worked together fine," Geivett said after Tracy's surprise resignation last month.

    Geivett had said that structure will remain in place next season but he didn't think that would be an issue in his search for a new manager.

    In addition to altering their front office, with O'Dowd focusing his attention on the minor leagues and player development, the Rockies last summer reacted to Coors Field playing like its pre-humidor days by adopting a radical four-man rotation and a 75-pitch limit with several designated piggyback relievers, a much-derided experiment that lasted two months.

    Geivett has said the Rockies will return to a traditional five-man rotation next season with pitch limits determined on a case-by-case basis.

    Tracy was given an indefinite contract extension last spring but it guaranteed only his 2013 salary of $1.4 million as field manager and really just represented the club's desire to keep him in the organization in some capacity.


    AP Sports Writers Ronald Blum, in Indian Wells, Calif., and Pat Graham contributed.


    Follow AP Sports Writer Arnie Melendrez Stapleton on Twitter:


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    On Twitter, pope to get different type of followers

    VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Benedict already has 1.2 billion "followers" in the standard sense of the word but he soon will have another type when he enters what for any 85 year old is the brave new world of Twitter.

    Vatican officials say the pontiff, who is known not to love computers and still writes most of his speeches by hand, will have his own handle by the end of the year.

    "It will be an officially verified channel," said a Vatican official.

    Primarily the tweets will come from the contents of his weekly general audience, Sunday blessings and homilies on major Church holidays. They will also include reaction to major world events, such as natural disasters.

    The leader of the world's 1.2 billion or so Roman Catholics will not, of course, write the tweets himself, but he will sign off on them before they are sent in his name.

    But even divine intervention might not help squeeze the gist of a papal encyclical, which can run to more than 140 pages, into 140 characters.

    Those tweets will probably be limited to a link to a url with the entire document.

    The papal handle has not yet been disclosed but it is widely expected to be @BenedictusPPXVI, his name and title in Latin.

    The pope has given a qualified blessing to social networking.

    In a document issued last year, he said the possibilities of new media and social networks offered "a great opportunity", but warned of the risks of depersonalisation, alienation, self-indulgence, and the dangers of having more virtual friends than real ones.

    In 2009, a new Vatican website,, went live, offering an application called "The pope meets you on Facebook", and another allowing the faithful to see the pontiff's speeches and messages on their iPhones or iPods.

    The Vatican famously got egg on its face in 2009 when it was forced to admit that, if it had surfed the web more, it might have known that a traditionalist bishop whose excommunication was lifted had for years been a Holocaust denier.

    (Reporting By Philip Pullella; editing by Mike Collett-White)


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    Diverse coalition re-elected Obama, altered social policy (Star Tribune)

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    Wednesday, November 7, 2012

    Expert Advice For Learning The Internet Marketing Ropes

    A lot of people fail to realize exactly what Internet marketing is, and thus they end up doing things incorrectly and ultimately missing out on traffic and customers. It can be difficult for novices to start with Internet marketing, but useful advice is out there to help you get started and succeed.

    If you have a knack for writing, try writing about your products and business and then submit your articles to websites and magazines. Always include your contact and business information within any articles you write. Speak with the people who run those magazines and websites and offer some free services to commissions to help get your articles published.

    It?s important to promote to your website visitors that your e-commerce system is totally secure. Many shoppers feel anxious about sharing their personal or financial information online, so make your customers feel at ease by reminding them that their info is secure.

    Consider sending freebie materials you plan to distribute to free online directories. Use multiple directories or sources if you are publishing and distributing a free e-zine. The same can be done with e-books, e-newsletters, articles and more.

    One of the most effective online marketing strategies is to reward frequent customers and visitors accordingly. Make sure that you keep your current customers, as they will provide a lot of value over time. It can also encourage your customer to tell others about the good deals that they get from your website and generate more sales for you.

    Knowing what your competition is doing is important for internet marketing. Every business has its competitors, and you need to be aware of yours.

    A great title tag should properly define you and your content. A big thing that influences the way people see your website is the tagline at the top of the browser window. Poorly written website tags don?t convey the message that you need to send to draw and keep the reader?s attention.

    You can always market your site as a place for social conversation instead of it being a business. You can have more site traffic if people are communicating with others! By using this technique visitor will want to visit often. Encourage people who visit your website to share it with their friends.

    ?Fast? is a very powerful word in marketing. Customers value speedy service, which is why you want to ensure that your products are delivered quickly.

    Seeing as you?ve read the above article, you ought to now know how to use Internet marketing to help your business. By using this advice, your business will be booming before you know it.

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    For Women in Climate Sciences, a Struggle to Find a Voice

    Beset by subtle biases, women are struggling to find their place in academia, with consequences for all of us

    In surprising numbers, women in climate science in particular and the physical sciences in general are abandoning academic careers.?

    The reasons are as varied as the individuals - some leave for maternity issues or other family pressures, others give up in the face of subtle gender bias within the academic world. And others feel there are better platforms than a university position to apply the science they love and to speak out to a broader audience, with greater impact.

    Regardless of the cause, the female brain drain from the academy has an impact on climate science, say researchers. A 2008 study found that while 34 percent of all geosciences doctoral degrees were awarded to females, women comprised only 8 percent of top-ranking geosciences faculty positions at U.S. colleges and universities.

    Scientific inquiry is surely at stake, said Mary Anne Holmes, a mineralogist at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and former president of the Association for Women Geoscientists.

    "Women may have a different way of asking questions about the science and communicating the consequences," Holmes said.

    Studies have shown that groups make better choices when group members have diverse experiences and points of view, Holmes noted. It's not that women look at the data and see some big feminine question that's not being asked or that men don't ask good questions, she added. Men "just don't ask all the questions."?

    Environmental scientist Amy Luers found the nonprofit setting more fitting than academia for her career goals. "I wanted to be at the intersection of science, policy and action," she said.


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