Monday, June 24, 2013

Sen. Feinstein on Edward Snowden: "The chase is on" (cbsnews)

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Prada questions summer and the exotic

MILAN (AP) ? Miuccia Prada says she is questioning the very meaning of summer and the exotic in her latest menswear designs.

In a presentation of the 2014 summer collection Sunday on the second day of Milan Fashion Week, Prada has delivered satin floral prints that are clearly associated with the Pacific, and pairs them not with the classic linen gin-and-tonic suit, but with a traditional double-breasted pin stripe.

Her reference point in the collection is clearly the 1940s. The designer has returned to the old-fashioned carry-on luggage ? no trollies, please ? with bold designs, including tropical florals and Hawaiian girls. The period references on the luggage were also backdrops to the runway: graphic prints of palm trees, postcard sunsets and images of water.

Prada did not limit herself to men's designs, and interspersed the male models with young women companions, who all wore different versions of the same smart dress. Prada worked with panels of solids and prints, gathering and pleating them around the curves, and adding beading and crystals for glamor. The women carried vintage shoulder bags and purses.

Men and women alike wore two-tone boxer shoes with colored ankle socks. There also were sneakers, with thick rubber toes.

The men's looks were classics ? with Prada updates. She seemed to have sports on her mind: There were satiny boxer shorts, light-weight shirts based on a baseball jacket and a retro bowling ball bag. The designer also layered short-sleeved knitwear over shirts, often with clashing patterns.

The color palate recalled stormy sea colors ? gray to teal to black ? and sunsets ? yellow to terracotta to earthy brown and black.

Asked her inspiration backstage, Prada laughed and said: "I would have to tell my whole life," but then conceded that she was "questioning the cliche of summer and the exotic."


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Arianna Huffington: Sunday Roundup

This week, the NBA Finals came down to a breath-taking final game, with LeBron and the Heat ultimately repeating as champs -- while, in DC, the Supreme Court pushed its ruling on gay marriage to the SCOTUS equivalent of a Game 7 (here's hoping legal superstars David Boies and Ted Olson take home the MVP trophy). As we also wait for the High Court's ruling on Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, a different ghost of the pre-civil rights South reared its ugly head, with Paula Deen losing her job for using "the N-word" and planning a "plantation-style" wedding for her brother. Meanwhile, the name for Kim and Kanye's baby is no longer pending. Some questioned their parenting compass after they went with a compass pun, but at least they didn't go with "Yeezus."




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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Snowden charges first step in perhaps long extradition

By Tabassum Zakaria and Mark Hosenball

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has filed espionage charges against Edward Snowden, a former U.S. National Security Agency contractor who admitted revealing secret surveillance programs to media outlets, according to a court document made public on Friday.

The charges are the government's first step in what could be a long legal battle to return Snowden from Hong Kong, where he is believed to be in hiding, and try him in a U.S. court. A Hong Kong newspaper said he was under police protection, but the territory's authorities declined to comment.

Snowden was charged with theft of government property, unauthorized communication of national defense information and willful communication of classified communications intelligence to an unauthorized person, said the criminal complaint, which was dated June 14.

The latter two offenses fall under the U.S. Espionage Act and carry penalties of fines and up to 10 years in prison.

A single page of the complaint was unsealed on Friday. An accompanying affidavit remained under seal.

Two U.S. sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the United States was preparing to seek Snowden's extradition from Hong Kong, which is part of China but has wide-ranging autonomy, including an independent judiciary.

The Washington Post, which first reported the criminal complaint earlier on Friday, said the United States had asked Hong Kong to detain Snowden on a provisional arrest warrant.

Hong Kong's Chinese-language Apple Daily quoted police sources as saying that anti-terrorism officers had contacted Snowden, arranged a safe house for him and provided protection.

The report said the police had checked his documents but had not discussed other matters or taken any statements.

Hong Kong Police Commissioner Andy Tsang declined to comment other than to say Hong Kong would deal with the case in accordance with the law.

Snowden earlier this month admitted leaking secrets about classified U.S. surveillance programs, creating a public uproar. Supporters say he is a whistleblower, while critics call him a criminal and perhaps even a traitor.

He disclosed documents detailing U.S. telephone and Internet surveillance efforts to the Washington Post and Britain's Guardian newspaper.

The criminal complaint was filed in the Eastern District of Virginia, where Snowden's former employer, Booz Allen Hamilton, is located.

That judicial district has seen a number of high-profile prosecutions, including the spy case against former FBI agent Robert Hanssen and the case of al Qaeda operative Zacarias Moussaoui. Both were convicted.


Documents leaked by Snowden revealed that the NSA has access to vast amounts of Internet data such as emails, chat rooms and video from large companies such as Facebook and Google, under a government program known as Prism.

They also showed that the government had worked through the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to gather so-called metadata - such as the time, duration and telephone numbers called - on all calls carried by service providers such as Verizon.

President Barack Obama and his intelligence chiefs have vigorously defended the programs, saying they are regulated by law and that Congress was notified. They say the programs have been used to thwart militant plots and do not target Americans' personal lives.

U.S. federal prosecutors, by filing a criminal complaint, lay claim to a legal basis to make an extradition request of the authorities in Hong Kong, the Post reported. The prosecutors now have 60 days to file an indictment and can then take steps to secure Snowden's extradition from Hong Kong for a criminal trial in the United States, the newspaper reported.

The United States and Hong Kong have "excellent cooperation" and as a result of agreements, "there is an active extradition relationship between Hong Kong and the United States," a U.S. law enforcement official told Reuters.

Since the United States and Hong Kong signed an extradition treaty in 1998, scores of Americans have been sent back home to face trial. However, the process can take years, lawyers say.

Under Hong Kong's extradition process, a request would first go to Hong Kong's chief executive. A magistrate would issue a formal warrant for Snowden's arrest if the chief executive agrees the case should proceed.

Simon Young, a law professor at the University of Hong Kong, said the first charge of theft against Snowden might find an equivalent charge in Hong Kong, needed to allow extradition proceedings to move forward, but the unauthorized communication and willful communication charges may be sticking points that lead to litigation and dispute in the courts.

Whatever the Hong Kong courts decide could be vetoed by the territory's leader or Beijing on foreign affairs or defense grounds.

An Icelandic businessman linked to the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks said on Thursday he had readied a private plane in China to fly Snowden to Iceland if Iceland's government would grant asylum.

Iceland refused on Friday to say whether it would grant asylum to Snowden.

(Additional reporting by James Pomfret, Venus Wu and Grace Li in HONG KONG; Editing by Warren Strobel, Peter Cooney and Neil Fullick)


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6 Most In-Demand Home-Based Online Businesses | Content for ...

Author: Brian Blogs | Total views: 125 Comments: 0
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The home-based business has become extremely popular within the past few years, it is the online business industry. There are a lot of internet businesses flourishing nowadays but here are 6 of the most in-demand:

1. Online Retail Stores

Popularized by auction sites Ebay, Craigslist and Amazon, online retail stores have become a hit most especially to the working class. Most people of today are so busy with school, work and various other activities that the once enjoyable weekly shopping sprees have become a hassling monthly activity. People simply don't have that much time anymore.

Fortunately, with the help of social networking sites, e-commerce has managed to leap on top. From clothes, gadgetries, to furniture pieces - all can be bought just with a few mouse clicks. People are simply drawn into the concept of shopping within the comforts of their home.

2. Translation Services

The demand for translation services is continuously growing over time as well. This can be accounted to the fact that a lot of countries are now employing a global approach for more opportunities. Businesses, most specifically, would want to expand in other countries, so they will need translators for their marketing materials or websites.

Relatively, ESL (English as a Second Language) lessons are being sought out by non-English speaking individuals. These are most popular among students who are looking into studying in other countries.

3. Blogging and SEO Writing

Bloggers typically make money by posting updates or writing on their websites or blogs. Topics may be as wide-range as product reviews, service advertisements and how-to's. Revenues will come through advertisements put on the site. Other bloggers make money through affiliate banners.

There also rests a lot of opportunities in SEO writing. With the growing popularity of the internet, businesses are starting to invest in online advertising, demanding short, content-light and keyword-rich articles that rank them high in search engines. SEO writing is perfect for beginning writers since speed, and not the skill, is considered of more essence.

4. Online Travel Agencies

Online travel agencies work differently than the traditional agencies operating in office settings. While traditional agencies rely on agents for great deals matching client requirements, online agencies count on automated searches for possible deals.

There are two advantages that set online agencies apart from the traditional types. One is efficiency. Clients are now able to book for trips without leaving their homes. The other is immediate access. Travelers need not wait too long for searches or hotel confirmations anymore. Booking trips has now been made easier, needing just several mouse clicks.

5. IT Security Consulting

The field of IT Security gets the most attention when huge companies such as The New York Times become victims of hacking. It's not easy becoming an IT security consultant since expert skills is required, but the work is guaranteed to be rewarding.

More opportunities are also at bay with the increased popularity of web businesses and need for consumer protection over the internet. The industry is currently growing by a margin of 10% annually and is projected to grow 8.8% in sales throughout 2013.

6. Social Network Game Development

A lot of young teens now spend most of their time on social media. With the rapid adaptation of devices like tablets and smartphones, it is expected that more will be increasing the hours they spend on the internet. Playing games sits on top of what these young consumers do on the internet.

Games such as the Simms, Farmville, Pet Society and Cityville are among the few most popular social media games. They are part of what brought the industry to an astonishing annual growth of 184% for the past 5 years. At this year's end, sales are projected to hit $6 billion, growing another 32%.

Whichever business opportunity you take on, it is not unlikely for you to get roped into something that leaves minimum profit but maximum hassle. Reality is, there are numerous shady characters lurking on the internet who don't want to help you succeed, but just want their money. So always be careful with the types of ventures you decide to take.

Brian Blogs is a part time internet marketer, in a first class work from home program. He invites you to visit his website for free video and audio training on building a very affordable home business, at your own pace. For more inside information, go below for details…. n

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Oddest couple share 250 million year old burrow

June 22, 2013 ? Scientists from South Africa, Australia and France have discovered a world first association while scanning a 250 million year old fossilised burrow from the Karoo Basin of South Africa.

The burrow revealed two unrelated vertebrate animals nestled together and fossilised after being trapped by a flash flood event. Facing harsh climatic conditions subsequent to the Permo-Triassic (P-T) mass extinction, the amphibian Broomistega and the mammal forerunner Thrinaxodon cohabited in a burrow.

Scanning shows that the amphibian, which was suffering from broken ribs, crawled into a sleeping mammal's shelter for protection. This research suggests that short periods of dormancy, called aestivation, in addition to burrowing behaviour, may have been a crucial adaptation that allowed mammal ancestors to survive the P-T extinction.

The international team of scientists was led by Dr Vincent Fernandez from Wits University, South Africa and the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France. The other authors from Wits University include Prof. Bruce Rubidge (Director of the newly formed Palaeosciences Centre of Excellence at Wits), Dr Fernando Abdala and Dr Kristian Carlson. Other authors include Dr Della Collins Cook (Indiana University); Dr Adam Yates (Museum of Central Australia) and Dr. Paul Tafforeau (ESRF).

After many impressive results obtained on fossils, synchrotron imaging has led to revived interest in the studies of the numerous fossilised burrows discovered in the Karoo Basin of South Africa and dated to 250 million years ago. The first attempt to investigate one of these burrow-casts surprisingly revealed a world-first association of two unrelated animals.

The fossil was recovered from sedimentary rock strata in the Karoo Basin. It dates from 250 million years ago, at the beginning of the Triassic Period. At that time, the ecosystem was recovering from the Permo-Triassic mass extinction that wiped out most of life on Earth. In the Pangea Supercontinent context, what is now South Africa was an enclave in the southern half called Gondwana. It was the scene of pronounced climatic warming and increased seasonality marked by monsoonal rainfall. To survive this harsh environment, many animals, including mammal-like reptiles (mammal forerunners), developed a digging behaviour, attested by the numerous fossilised burrow casts discovered in the Karoo Basin. These casts have long been thought to enclose fossilised remains, triggering interest from palaeontologists. Early this year, an international group of scientists started to research the contents of these burrows using X-ray synchrotron computed microtomography.

Two burrow casts were selected from the collection at Wits to be scanned using the state-of-the-art facility at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). Using the unique properties of the X-ray beam which enables non-destructive probing, the scan of the first burrow started to reveal the skull of a mammal-like reptile called Thrinaxodon, an animal previously reported in another burrow.

As the scan progressed, the three-dimensional reconstruction displayed results beyond expectations: the mammal-like reptile was accompanied by an amphibian Broomistega, belonging to the extinct group of Temnospondyl.

"While discovering the results we were amazed by the quality of the images," says lead author Fernandez, "but the real excitement came when we discovered a second set of teeth completely different from that of the mammal-like reptile. It was really something else."

Besides the pristine preservation of the two skeletons, the team focused on the reasons explaining such an unusual co-habitation. Fernandez explains: "Burrow-sharing by different species exists in the modern world, but it corresponds to a specific pattern. For example, a small visitor is not going to disturb the host. A large visitor can be accepted by the host if it provides some help, like predator vigilance. But neither of these patterns corresponds to what we have discovered in this fossilised burrow."

The scientists gathered all the information to try to reconstitute the events that led to this incredible fossil aggregation, testing scenarios one after another. "It's a fascinating scientific question: what caused the association of these two organisms in the burrow? One of the more obvious possibilities is a predator-prey interaction, but we inspected both skeletons looking for tooth marks or other evidence implying predation, ultimately finding no support for one having attempted to feed on the other," says Carlson.

His colleague, Cook, adds that the consecutive broken ribs resulted from a single, massive trauma. The amphibian clearly survived the injury for some time because the fractures were healing, but it was surely quite handicapped. According to Fernandez this Broomistega is the first complete skeleton of this rare species that has been discovered. "It tells us that this individual was a juvenile and mostly aquatic at that time of its life," he says.

The scientists eventually concluded that the amphibian crawled into the burrow in response to its poor physical condition but was not evicted by the mammal-like reptile.

Numerous Thrinaxodon specimens have been found in South Africa, many of them fossilised in a curled-up position. Abdala says: "I have always been fascinated by the preservation of Thrinaxodon fossils in a curled-up position that show even tiny bones of the skeleton preserved. It's as if they were peacefully resting in shelters at the time of death."

The shelters prevented disturbance of the skeletal remains from scavengers and weathering. "We also think it might reflect a state of torpor called aestivation in response to aridity and absence of food resources," Abdala says.

Piecing all the clues together, the team finally elucidated the enigmatic association, concluding that "the mammal-like reptile, Thrinaxodon, was most probably aestivating in its burrow, a key adaptation response together with a burrowing behaviour which enabled our distant ancestors to survive the most dramatic mass extinction event. This state of torpor explains why the amphibian was not chased out of the burrow," says Rubidge.

Both animals were finally entrapped in the burrow by a sudden flood and preserved together in the sediments for 250 million years.

Tafforeau says: "Thanks to the unique possibilities for high quality imaging of fossils developed during the last decade at the ESRF, these unique specimens remain untouched, protected by their mineral matrix. Who knows what kind of information we'll be able to obtain from them in the future and which would have been completely lost if the specimen had been prepared out of its burrow cast?"


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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Is Maddox Jolie-Pitt The New Jaden Smith?

(source) by Lauren Mandel At the New York City premiere of "World War Z," Brad Pitt revealed that his son, Maddox Jolie-Pitt, will make his feature film debut alongside his dad in the new zombie horror film opening this weekend. In his cameo role, Maddox plays a very short-lived Zombie! "He gets shot in the [...]


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Why Won?t the FBI Tell the Public About its Drone Program?

Why Won?t the FBI Tell the Public About its Drone Program?

Today we?re publishing?for the first time?the FBI?s drone licenses and supporting records for the last several years. Unfortunately, to say that the FBI has been less than forthcoming with these records would be a gross understatement.

Just yesterday, Wired broke the story that the FBI has been using drones to surveil Americans. Wired noted that, during an FBI oversight hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, FBI Director Robert Mueller let slip that the FBI flies surveillance drones on American soil. Mueller tried to reassure the senators that FBI?s drone program ?is very narrowly focused on particularized cases and particularized leads.? However, there?s no way to check the Director on these statements, given the Bureau?s extreme lack of transparency about its program.

EFF received these records as a result of our Freedom of Information lawsuit against the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the licenses the FAA issues to all public entities wishing to fly drones in the national airspace. As detailed in prior posts and on our drone map, we have already received tens of thousands of pages of valuable information about local, state and federal agencies? drone flights.

However, unlike other federal agencies, including the US Air Force, the Bureau has withheld almost all information within its documents?even including the dates the FAA?s Certificates of Authorization (COAs) were issued. As you can see from the two examples linked below?the first from the Air Force and the second from the FBI?the FBI is withholding information, including something as basic as the city and state of the Bureau?s point of contact, that could in no way be expected to risk circumvention of the law (the applicable test under FOIA, 5 U.S.C. ? 552 (b)(7)(E)).

Why Won?t the FBI Tell the Public About its Drone Program?

Why Won?t the FBI Tell the Public About its Drone Program?

The FBI has even withheld information from standard documents that all agencies file with the FAA to support their COA applications, many of which come directly from the drone manufacturer. (Compare, for example, the Air Force?s ?LOST_LINK_MISSION? or ?AIRCRAFT_SYSTEM? documents with the FBI?s versions of the same documents.)

One interesting fact is that the Bureau has withheld most of the records under several statutes and regulations related to the arms exports and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) (see statutes and regulations here, here, and here.) This is surprising because, although ITAR does apply explicitly to drones, not even the US Military has claimed these statutes in withholding information from its drone records.

Given the FBI?s past abuses and the information recently revealed about how the Bureau exploits specious interpretations of federal law to help out the NSA?s spying program, we have good reason to be concerned about the FBI?s lack of transparency here. We hope Senator Feinstein will follow up on her concerns about the FBI?s apparent lack of ?strictures? in place to protect Americans? privacy in connection to FBI drone use and demand a full accounting of how, when, where and why the Bureau has been using drones to monitor the public.

Download the zip files of the documents here, here, and here.

Reproduced from the Electric Frontier Foundation under Creative Commons license. Image by Oleksiy & Tetyana under Creative Commons license.


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Friday, June 21, 2013

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Video on Instagram: Facebook's New Vine-Like Video Sharing

You're about to be able to cloak short video clips in the Valencia filter. Facebook just added video to Instagram, similar to Twitter's Vine app.

Here's how it works:


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Friend: Stricken Gandolfini found by family member

ROME (AP) ? A friend of "Sopranos" star James Gandolfini said Thursday the actor was discovered by a family member in his hotel room in Rome before he was pronounced dead of cardiac arrest at a hospital.

Michael Kobold, who described himself as a close family friend, read a short statement to reporters, but said little more about the circumstances of Gandolfini's death on Wednesday night.

He did not say who discovered Gandolfini, 51, but NBC quoted Antonio D'Amore, manager of the Boscolo Excedra hotel, as saying it was the actor's 13-year-old son, Michael.

Gandolfini had appeared in advertisements for Kobold's company, Kobold Watches.

Gandolfini was pronounced dead at 11 p.m. Wednesday in Rome after being taken by ambulance to the Policlinic Umberto I hospital.

Dr. Claudio Modini, head of the hospital emergency room, said Gandolfini arrived at the hospital at 10:40 p.m. (2040 GMT; 4:40 p.m. EDT) and was pronounced dead after resuscitation efforts in the ambulance and hospital failed.

An autopsy would be performed starting 24 hours after the death, as required by law, Modini told The Associated Press.

The actor, known for his portrayal of the tortured Italian-American mob boss Tony Soprano, was to have received an award and taken part in the closing ceremony Saturday of the Taormina Film Festival, which takes place against the backdrop of Taormina's spectacular Roman amphitheater.

He also was to have given a special class Saturday morning at the festival, as was done by actor Jeremy Irons earlier in the week.

Festival organizers Mario Sesti and Tiziana Rocca said instead they would organize a tribute "to celebrate his great achievement and talent." They said they had heard from Gandolfini a few hours before he died, and "he was very happy to receive this award and be able to travel to Italy."

"The Sopranos" was a hit when it first aired in Italy in 2001, with critics giving it rave reviews, despite some criticism from Italian-Americans across the Atlantic who thought it stereotyped them.

"Rarely does one see fiction so intelligent, ironic, full of psychological and narrative subtleties. And the dialogue! The photography!" Italy's most prominent TV critic, Aldo Grasso, gushed in the leading daily Corriere della Sera after the first episode aired. "Trust me, don't miss 'The Sopranos!'"

The daily La Repubblica called the show a "masterpiece." The paper deplored that it was being "hidden" from viewers by being aired at the unenviable 12:30 a.m. timeslot and urged it to be moved up ? something former Premier Silvio Berlusconi's Mediaset network eventually did, showing it at 11:30 p.m.

Gandolfini's death was one of the top news stories in Italy on Thursday, with American tourists outside his hotel well aware of the tragedy.

"I thought he was a great actor," said William Capece, visiting Rome from Houston, Texas. "Pretty sad because it is a big loss to the field of acting."

The U.S. Embassy in Rome, which said it had learned about the death from the media, said it would be available to provide a death certificate and help prepare the body for return to the United States. The embassy said it can often take between four and seven days to arrange for it to be sent outside of Italy.

The embassy spokesman declined further comment, directing inquiries to the family.

It isn't yet known yet what caused his heart to stop beating. Sudden cardiac arrest can be due to a heart attack, a heart rhythm problem, or a result of trauma. The chance of cardiac arrest increases as people get older; men over age 45 have a greater risk. Men in general are up to three times more likely to have a sudden cardiac arrest than women.


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