Sunday, March 25, 2012

Law Of Attraction Daily Affirmations empower people to attain ...

Buffalo, New York ? Law Of Attraction Daily Affirmations is a new application from New American Dreamer which makes changing thought patterns easier than ever imagined. Millions of people are using Law of Attraction and principles from ?The Secret? to change their lives. But changing thoughts can be easier said than done which is why Law of Attraction does not seem to work for everyone. This is where Law Of Attraction Daily Affirmations comes to help.

What is really needed to achieve results from Law of Attraction is to focus thoughts in a positive, organized and constructive way and keep repeating the process until the message is firmly implanted into subconscious. With all the negativity and uncertainty around us this is hard to do and here Law Of Attraction Daily Affirmations comes to help by giving an easy way to watch the over 80 affirmations and over 40 positive and inspiring images in their own categories.

All that is required is to sit back, relax and watch the affirmations on a regular basis and thoughts automatically begin to change. Watch the affirmation sets on attracting money, happiness, love and good health. It?s also possible to create a custom set with personalized affirmations and pictures to heighten the experience.

* Over 80 affirmations in four categories, health, relationships, money and happiness
* Over 40 hand picked photos to attune user into positive and receptive mood
* Reminders: Law Of Attraction Daily Affirmations can be set to show a reminder to watch the affirmations same time every day
* Fully customizable, users can create their own affirmation set that is just right for them
* Four different backgrounds for the custom affirmations
* Option to choose from our set of photos to accompany the affirmations or add personal photos from photo library to make the set fully personalized
* The speed of affirmations and photos can be as fast as 3 seconds or as slow as 99 seconds for each affirmation

Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 4.3 or later
* 38.4 MB

Pricing and availability:
Law Of Attraction Daily Affirmations 1.1 is $2.99 (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and is available at the Apple App Store in the Lifestyle category.

New American Dreamer
Law Of Attraction Daily Affirmations 1.1
Purchase and Download
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
App Icon

New American Dreamer is a small company that offers a wide range of self improvement and healing products. It is our goal to assist people to access their own powerful abilities to improve their lives. Through high quality hypnosis and fun lifestyle apps, it is our belief that anyone and everyone can begin to effectively reaffirm, change and positively direct the course of one?s life in a very healthy and easy way. We offer products such as a menopause series for helping women successfully maneuver through menopause, improving men?s health, help to stop smoking and for weight loss, self healing, relationships, a number of Law of Attraction apps and others.


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