Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Key to Successful Advertising: Proofreading

The annoying experience of opening your email Inbox and reading ?Spam? ads that are often misspelled poorly constructed and sometimes totally off track. Advertising relies on hitting the target customers? soft spot, to make sure the product or service sells. Now, that?s impossible if there are typos, spelling errors and a lack of clarity.


If you want to distribute an ad or a flyer for your business or perhaps a printed booklet, proofreading is a must. Proofreading can be as simple as checking your answers right before submitting your test paper or submitting your dissertation.?


However, the principles remain the same no matter how complex the process is: clarity, accurate grammar and avoiding spelling errors.

Your advertising efforts may be headed for the drain if your potential customers spot grammar and spelling errors. What impact will it have if such an ad lands in the hands of an English Professor? ?You?re sure to lose at least one potential customer.


If you try proofreading your own ad, flyer or booklet etc., something that you wrote yourself, it?s tougher to spot errors. That?s because the brain ends up filling blank spaces, punctuation marks or word spaces. It is advisable to get it proofread by a professional. That?s a sure fire way to increase clarity and accuracy.?


One needs to understand how the ad would affect its potential customers.

Questions to ask are: What is my purpose in producing this ad? Is the purpose being served?? Are customers going to come looking for my services/product once they read it? Make sure your proofreaders look over the document and keep these factors in mind.


Now as it?s your business you are well versed with the fancy words used; however, the average Joe won?t understand the jargon, and, if he doesn?t have any idea what you?re talking about he may well move on to your competitor. Imagine whether or not a Junior High student would be able to understand what you?ve written. If it isn?t likely, simplify your work.


There?s plenty to be read, understood and perceived so the reader wouldn?t waste more time if your ad lacks the presentation or is difficult to understand. Proofreading and getting things proofread insures that an ad?s copy has correct grammar and a clear purpose, increasing the chances of banking on potential customers. No matter whether the proofreading is done from college or university proofreading, it should always be done with dedication.


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