Saturday, July 21, 2012

Auto insurance plz help!? Question | Texas car insurance quotes

Auto insurance plz help!?

i have a 2005 ford mustang and im 17yrs old. i have had a couple of speeding tickets and etc. is there any place in arkansas were i can find cheap insurance thanks.

You can compare quotes from different companies for free at: Usa insurance quotes

Good luck with that! I have not clue. Different isurance companies quote different and some quote from the same underwriter. You will just have to call around. They could give someone one quote and the other a different one, but I can tell you how to keep your tickets off of your record. When you get a ticket find out the amount of it by calling the county clerk or look on the back of the ticket. Add $20.00 to the amount and send in a check. They will put that the ticket has been paid and then send you a check back for the overdue amount. When you get it rip it up and throw it away. They can not send your points to your state capital to go on your record it all transactions have not been completed. I have done this 5 times and don?t have a thing on my record! :)
call a local independent agent as they write for a lot of different companies and will find you the best coverage with the best rate for you. you are young, driver a very high symbol car, and you have tickets, so its not going to be cheap through any company.
by goldench?Member since:December 31, 2007Total points:135 (Level 1)Add Contact

try getting a free insurance quote at auto insurance pros. they have low rates for students.

4 years ago
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source: california auto insurance

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