Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Dragon Age: The Undoing

Dragon Age: The Undoing

The year is 1:95 Divine, and the second Blight has been raging for nearly a century. Pushed to desperation, the Grey Wardens assemble a team for a suicidal mission. None were prepared for what they would discover.


Game Masters:

This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Dragon Age: The Undoing?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

Topic Tags:

Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.

The below is the character sheet. Please regard the included directions, but feel free to delete them afterward!
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[b]Age[/b]: Between 21-75, please.
[b]Race[/b]: I'll take half-beings of any sort in addition to the three main races, but they're not common and anything half-dwarf can't use magic.
[b]Sex[/b]: Male, female, or some intermediate identity if you prefer.
[b]Class[/b]: Warrior, Rogue, or Mage
[b]Warden?[/b] Yes or no.

[b]Appearance[/b]: Images are acceptable, but not required. If you use one, please avoid anime or real people, and try to keep it reasonably-sized. A written description should accompany any image.

[b]Demeanor[/b]: General description of how your character behaves most of the time.


[b]Opinions[/b]: These need not be theses; a few sentences should do.
[i]The Chantry[/i]:
[i]The Grey Wardens[/i]:
[i]The Mission[/i]:

[b]Weapon of Choice[/b]:
[b]Mount[/b]: At this point, I'm allowing either horses (halla if you're Dalish) or no mounts. More exotic steeds may become available later.

[b]Level[/b]: You start at Lvl 10, maximum, though I won't stop you from starting lower.
[b]Skills[/b]: You have eleven Skill points, four of which may be spent on a specialization tree. Format entries as below.
[i]Name of Skill Tree (e.g., Primal Magic or Berserker)[/i]: Abilities from this tree that you have.
[i]Name of Skill Tree[/i]: Abilities that you have

[b]Place of Birth, Nation of Origin[/b]:
[b]Social Status[/b]:
[b]Personal History[/b]: General information about your character's life.
[b]Professional History[/b]: Specific information about your character's career. How did they manage to get picked for this suicidal mission? What distinguishes them from the average soldier/criminal/Warden/etc?

[b]Idea for a Personal Sidequest[/b]: This should ideally relate to some facet of the character's history and possibly the plot as you know it. Your initial idea doesn't have to be complete; I will work with you to build it as we go, but I'd like it if you had an idea. Even a sentence would do.

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The Valkyrie
Member for 1 years

How I have waited for a good Dragon Age roleplay... You, my friend, take the cake! I would love to have a Tevinter somniari... If you can allow one...

I am a person of many roles! First, I'm a school girl in a fantasy world! Then I'm a freelance merc, looking for demons! Now, I'm a big girl with a bleeding heart. Or maybe I'm a werewolf, ready to take down some paranormal! The question is, who are you?

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Child of the Winged
Member for 0 years

You've got me, 100%. I will make time for this. However, there's about 7 or so different characters in my mind right now. They're fighting a bloody battle to the death. It's quite gruesome. I'll let you know which one wins.

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Member for 1 years

@AA: So very glad to hear it! Bloody battles to the death sound like the best way to pick characters.

@Child of the Winged: Hey-o. Normally, I wouldn't be against it, but unfortunately, that's the angle I went with for my character, and given their rarity, two somniari in a group this small is almost statistically impossible. Feel free to toss alternative ideas at me, however.

Also, just as a note, the Circles of Magi have been established, so it's going to be kind of difficult for non-Warden mages to move around freely, even the ones from Tevinter. We'll be trekking the continent over the course of our adventures, so keep that in mind if you should choose to make one.

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The Valkyrie
Member for 1 years

Hm... I'd like to pull a Fenris and be a former slave... Or an Anders with the spirit in him... Either one work for ya?

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Child of the Winged
Member for 0 years

A former slave character would be fine, but try to put enough of a spin on him or her to be sufficiently different from Fenris and also my character. I'd be hesitant with possessed people, but I suppose that depends on how you wanted to go about it. Do what you want to do for now, and if I think something ought to be changed or tweaked, I'll tell you. Does that sound fair? I'm just very eager to avoid characters that are too similar to ones from canon.

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The Valkyrie
Member for 1 years

Possessed: My character would have gone through the Harrowing and asked the first demon, the one you're suppose to kill, for more power. She'd take the demon into her body and hid the fact she had it. She left the Circle to become a Warden, and took her demon with her.

Slave: She was a Tevinter slave that has potential to be a magister but her Master kept her from being what she could. She escaped when her Master was at a ball and left her behind. She ran to Rivain and began her life as a Mage

Edit: I'd rather have the Possessed one just cause she'd play with blood magics and the like. But the slave would be okay as well

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Child of the Winged
Member for 0 years

I sent you a PM, Winged. ^_^

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The Valkyrie
Member for 1 years

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