Friday, August 31, 2012

GAO Report Targets Sham Universities; Senate Making Noise about ...

By Joe Guzzardi, CAPS Senior Writing Fellow. Guzzardi's Op-eds about California social issues have appeared in newspapers throughout California and elsewhere for 15 years., August 30, 2012

Like many of her Democratic Congressional colleagues, this summer Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) trailed in re-election polling. McCaskill lagged several points behind challenger U.S. Rep. Todd Akin until he made his outrageous remark that ?legitimate? rape rarely causes pregnancy. Despite his offensive, crude and inaccurate comment, Akin steadfastly refuses to withdraw.? Akin?s support has dramatically eroded. In July Akin led McCaskill by 11 points; today, he?s 17 points behind. [McCaskill Leads Akin in Missouri Senate Race, New Poll Shows, by Sean Sullivan, Washington Post, August 25, 2012]

From a patriotic immigration reform perspective, the race between McCaskill and Akin is unusual. McCaskill has shown signs of understanding the correlation between over-immigration and American job loss; Akin is one of the highest rated on the NumbersUSA grade card system.

Recently, McCaskill spoke out forcefully to urge Congress to take immediate steps to end sham universities. As an example, California?s Tri-Valley University enrolled more than 1,500 foreign students until a federal investigation exposed the school as a fraud. At the direction of President Susan Xiao-Ping Su, school officials unsuspectingly gave F-1 student visas to undercover agents, posing as foreign nationals, who as part of the sting said they had no intention of attending school. Tri Valley students, mostly from India and China, paid $5,400 per semester in tuition to obtain the visas until the school was shut down. [Read my March, 2011 CAPS column about the Tri Valley scandal here.]

Acting on a July 24th Government Accountability Office report indicating that Department of Homeland Security oversight failures have allowed unqualified students and possible terrorists to enter the country, McCaskill announced her intention to beef up the Student and Visitor Exchange Program (SEVP). Read the GAO report here.

McCaskill, along with Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), plan to introduce the Student Visa Integrity Act which would criminalize materially false statements or providing incorrect information when petitioning foreign students. The bill would also limit the SEVP program to accredited schools, a status that Tri Valley didn?t have.

In her July 25 statement, McCaskill said:

?Sham universities knowingly commit fraud, jeopardize our nation?s security and abuse an otherwise worthy visa program. For too long these institutions have broken the law and gotten away with it, but it?s time to put the proper safeguards in place to ensure their schemes have consequences. This bipartisan legislation is another step in working to fully secure our nation?s borders and keep our communities safe.?

Whether McCaskill?s effort is sincere or a vote-getting maneuver isn?t clear. But either way, more diligence in exposing bogus universities and their craven owners is welcome. Ditto for the students who mock U.S. immigration law and cheat the system. They should be banned from attending any other university, deported and forfeit whatever money they have invested schemes that are obviously fraudulent.


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How to sort and organize alerts in Notification Center on iPhone and iPad

How to sort and organize alerts in Notification Center on iPhone and iPad

The whole point of Notification Center is to make it easier to view alerts and stay up to date on the tasks that matter the most to you. By default, Notification Center will add app alerts in the order in which the app was installed. You can take control of notification handling on your iPhone or iPad, however, and organizing alerts and notifications in a way that makes the most sense to you.

How to manually sort the order of alerts in Notification Center

Notification Center shows alerts in the order in which they're listed in the Settings apps. Change the order in Settings, and your Notification Center shade will update to reflect that new order.

  1. Launch the Settings app from your Home screen.
  2. iPhone settings panel
  3. Tap on Notifications.
  4. iPhone notification center main screen
  5. Tap Manually under Sort Apps to make sure it's selected.
  6. Tap the Edit button in the upper right hand corner.
  7. iPhone notification center edit mode
  8. Grab the **handle* beside the app you want raise or lower in the Notification Center list and drag it to the position you want it.
  9. iPhone Notification Center drag alerts
  10. Keep dragging apps higher or lower until all the apps are in exactly the order you want them to appear in Notification Center
  11. Tap Done in the upper right hand corner when you're finished.

That's it, Notification Center will now show notifications in your preferred order.

How to automatically sort Notification Center alerts by time

If you'd like notifications to appear in Notification Center based on the time they arrive on your iPhone or iPad you can do so easily.

  1. Launch the Settings app from your Home screen.
  2. iPhone settings panel
  3. Tap on Notifications.
  4. iPhone notification center main screen
  5. Tap By Time under Sort Apps to make sure that it is checked.
  6. Sort iPhone notifications by time

That's it, Notification Center will now display your notifications in the order they arrive on your iPhone or iPad with newest notifications showing first.

How to remove apps from Notification Center

If you have apps that you don't want to receive alerts from, you can easily disable them within Notification Center. This is a good option for games that send pesky news, or in-app purchase alerts or apps that you want to check at your own leisure without being bothered about it.

  1. Launch the Settings app from your Home screen.
  2. iPhone settings panel
  3. Tap on Notifications.
  4. iPhone notification center main screen
  5. Tap the Edit button
  6. drag the app you want to remove from Notification Center to the section labeled Not In Notification Center at the bottom.
  7. Drag notifications off in NC on iPhone

Alternatively can also:

  1. Tap the app that you don't want to receive notifications about.
  2. iPhone notification center main screen
  3. Toggle the Notification Center switch to Off.
  4. Turn iPhone notifications off in Notification Center

And that's it. Any app removed from Notification Center will no longer take up space in your list!

How to get more help with Notification Center

Got any questions about using Notification Center on your iPhone or iPad? Any tips of your own you've discovered? Leave them in the comments!


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Israelis say UN report strengthens Iran warnings

In this Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012 photo, two Israeli women drink coffee in a shopping mall after collecting their gas mask from a distribution center in Jerusalem. A new U.N. report adds credibility to Israel's warnings about Tehran's nuclear ambitions, Israeli officials said Friday, commenting on findings that could provide ammunition to Israeli calls for military action against Iran's suspect nuclear program at a time when the U.S. and other allies are pressing the Jewish state to hold its fire. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)

In this Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012 photo, two Israeli women drink coffee in a shopping mall after collecting their gas mask from a distribution center in Jerusalem. A new U.N. report adds credibility to Israel's warnings about Tehran's nuclear ambitions, Israeli officials said Friday, commenting on findings that could provide ammunition to Israeli calls for military action against Iran's suspect nuclear program at a time when the U.S. and other allies are pressing the Jewish state to hold its fire. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)

In this Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012 photo, an Israeli woman talks on the phone after collecting gas masks for her family in a shopping mall in Jerusalem. A new U.N. report adds credibility to Israel's warnings about Tehran's nuclear ambitions, Israeli officials said Friday, commenting on findings that could provide ammunition to Israeli calls for military action against Iran's suspect nuclear program at a time when the U.S. and other allies are pressing the Jewish state to hold its fire. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)

(AP) ? Israeli officials said on Friday that a new United Nations report adds credibility to their warnings about Iran, as tensions grow between the Jewish state and its allies over how to tackle Tehran's suspect nuclear program.

The report by the U.N. nuclear agency, which emerged on Thursday, concluded that Iran had stepped up the installation of centrifuges capable of making weapons-grade material in an underground bunker at its Fordo underground facility, safe from most aerial attacks.

The U.N. report also said Iran has effectively shut down inspections of a separate site ? the Parchin military complex ? suspected of being used for nuclear weapons-related experiments, by shrouding it from spy satellite view with a covering.

It drew rapid criticism from Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, who said Friday the assertion about Parchin "does not make any technical sense." Iran denies the West's claims that it is seeking to develop weapons but its government makes no secret that it sees expansion of its nuclear program as a right.

An Israeli official said that the U.N report "confirms what Prime Minister (Benjamin) Netanyahu has been talking about for years now, that the Iranian nuclear program is designed to achieve a nuclear weapon." He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to reporters.

Israel has been weighing unilateral military action against Iranian nuclear facilities amid faltering international efforts to persuade Tehran to scale back its uranium enrichment, a process that would be key to bomb-making.

The United States opposes Israeli strikes. The strain between Washington and its longtime Israeli ally has been on full display this month, with a top U.S. military officer, Gen. Martin Dempsey, twice speaking out against a go-it-alone strike. He was quoted on Thursday as saying he would "not want to be complicit" in such an assault.

Washington worries that a premature Israeli attack could send global oil prices soaring and touch off a broad conflict possibly drawing in U.S. forces.

Many Israeli officials see U.S. reluctance as linked to the strength of American airpower, which can successfully hit more difficult targets and gives Washington a greater window for action.

But given Israel's more limited military means, the U.N. report could reinforce the view there that time for it to act independently is quickly running out, as key elements of Iran's nuclear program may soon be impervious to airstrikes from Israel's own aircraft.

Israeli leaders have said repeatedly that their country reserves the right to act on its own and will not leave what it sees as an essential security issue in the hands of others, even a powerful ally like the U.S. Israel considers Iran to be its most formidable enemy, given its nuclear program, its repeated calls for Israel's destruction and its proxy militant groups based near Israel's borders.

The U.N. says Iran has installed 1,000 centrifuges at the Fordo site since May, doubling the number there.

Israeli defense officials said Friday that they were surprised by the pace of the increase, but said the information contained in the U.N. report would not influence the country's decision whether to attack and if so, when. They also spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss confidential assessments of the Iranian program.

Some nuclear experts have cautioned against concluding too much from the increase. Senior diplomats outside Israel familiar with the report said it was unclear how many of the centrifuges are operational. They also said it was unclear whether the machines would be used to produce reactor fuel or warhead-capable material.

In his comments to the official news agency IRNA on Friday, Iran's Salehi said the report wrongly accused his country of trying to clean up traces of nuclear experiments at the Parchin base even though removing radioactive residue would be impossible.

"Whoever has expertise in this field understands that these are offering excuses," he said. "Such issues cannot be eradicated through cleaning."

U.N. officials however have said they never expected to find radioactive residue at Parchin and were looking for other signs of testing.

Iranian state television said Friday that a summit of the 120-member Nonaligned Movement in Tehran supported its right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy. But it was not immediately clear whether the text of the conference's final declaration backed Iran's claims that its nuclear program is solely for those peaceful purposes, or simply asserted a general right to produce nuclear energy. Tehran had been hoping to use the summit to show that it is not isolated diplomatically.

Before leaving the conference, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told reporters that, as the head of the movement for the next three years, Iran has "a very important opportunity ... not only (to) raise their political profile in the international community, but also (to) demonstrate their leadership to exercise a moderate and constructive role in regional and international issues."

"I have urged the government of Iran to take concrete steps to build international confidence in the exclusively peaceful nature of its nuclear program," he said.


AP writers Geir Moulson in Berlin and Edith M. Lederer at the United Nations contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

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Search Engine Optimization Training Course - Internet Marketing ...

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Search Engine Optimization Training Course: Before You Take One

The marketing landscape on the Web has been changing. Many marketers used to rely on pay-per-click advertising and other forms of advertising. Nowadays it?s all about search engine optimization. There is good reason for that too, since traffic from a good search engine ranking can make a significant difference in success of a business online. Because of that, competition in search engine rankings to get the top results has skyrocketed. And along with it, the need for a good search engine optimization training course too has been getting hotter demand.

You can actually learn such kind of course in several ways. SEO experts will hold seminars and workshops for a fee. There are free resources scattered throughout the Web for you to learn from, although putting back the pieces together might be difficult for a newcomer. There are video tutorials from industry specialists that will guide you through every steps of SEO. And then there are in-class training programs from well-known SEO companies with education subsidiaries.

Regardless of what course you choose to learn, most of these courses will equip you with fundamental knowledge in search engine optimization to get your feet wet. Most of these fundamentals can be applied to optimize any websites you own. A few of those courses will offer step by step guides with more details that will make your SEO skills decent enough to take on low to medium competition keywords. Some courses will even offer you a guideline on how to become a search engine optimization professional in the industry to become a service provider yourself. But if you are a beginner, take a course that fits your skill level. You can take on Goliath after you fight many Davids.

If you choose to attend seminars and workshops on SEO, be prepared to pay a hefty price. Most of those run by the real SEO experts can cost up to $ 2,000 per seat. They are expensive, yes. But fact of the matter is, you are also getting a face to face training with a real guru. Questions can be asked. Everything will be taught in more personal approach than learning through online and video materials.

But one thing you must make sure before you decide to swipe your credit card is to check credentials of the trainers running the seminars and testimonials from previous students. You need to find a real deal with proofs here, not just hypes and astonishing promises. Another good way to check if the trainer is bona fide is by checking the ranking of the instructor?s website. If it is ranking well as it is supposed to be, then you have met a real expert.

SEO is a very popular expertise among internet marketers. There are entire forums dedicated to search engine optimization. Join some and you can find out more about available search engine optimization courses and feedback from forum members. This is one sure-fire way to find out what?s the crowd?s favorite. If a course or trainer gets generally more negative comments than good, chances are, it must be really bad.

If you are limited on budget, then it is time to learn from plethora of free resources available online. There are real experts without any sales hype or huge promises. Find out their blogs and websites. Most of them freely share their expertise on their sites. Some of them even go extra length to create free courses in their blogs to teach people. You can find videos on YouTube from seasoned marketers too. The level of information you can find without paying a dime range from absolute newcomer to expert. Yes, such free lunch exists. The Internet is not the place only for sharks, after all.

The usefulness of such a search engine optimization course will depend on the learner?s performance. This is because anyone who works diligently to learn the details of varied search engine optimization topics will definitely get a deeper understanding of them and their proper application on his personal projects.

Regardless of where you learn and take a search engine optimization course, the usefulness and how much ROI it can generate for you will solely depend on you. Most important element in a learning process is you. SEO is in fact not an MIT level science for anyone who works diligently and practice religiously.


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Public Speaking and Personality Development ? Communication ...

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AppFog Acquires Nodester As Platform As A Service Market Shows Signs Of Consolidation

nodesterbw_transparentAppFog has acquired Nodester, the most recognized platform as a service (PaaS) for the fast growing Node.js community. The move is one of the first signs of consolidation and proof that multi-language?platforms?are increasingly becoming the standard for this emerging cloud market. AppFog, also a PaaS, is based out of Portland and considered one of the up-and-coming players in the PaaS space that has made its mark by offering developers the means to build and deploy apps without tbe burden of building their own infrastructure. AppFofg offers multi-language support for app developers. Node.js is a very popular server side Javascript development language that has been embraced and validated by the likes of Microsoft and Joyent, a cloud service most often associated with the Node.js movement. According to a leaked memo to customers, AppFog will now run and maintain the Nodester service as it is, but makes a point that it will provide Node support in its service. ?The company will incorporate Nodester technology into the Node service, and once completed, will provide a migration path from the Nodester service into AppFog. The transition will be completed by January 15, 2013. Nodester Founder Chris Mathieu said the following in the memo: Nodester was the first 100% open source Node.JS PaaS solution available for developers and it’s still one of the few Node.JS platforms that supports native WebSockets! The Nodester community is passionate about open source public, private, and hybrid cloud PaaS services. I looked at the various leading PaaS providers out there and it became clear that the only one with our vision and mission was AppFog. This partnership will give our Node.JS developers the very best PaaS solution as Node.JS continues to grow and extend into the enterprise. AppFog prides itself on its interoperability with multiple clouds. The company’s service extends across different infrastructure services. It does this?by using CloudFoundry, VMware?s PaaS, as the universal API to multiple infrastructure environments. That allows the service to exist on any infrastructure without the complexity that usually burdens the customer. It competes with major services such as Google App Engine. Other players in the PaaS space include Apprenda, Heroku, Engine Yard and Tier3. The market is quickly becoming defined by the flexibility in language support. AppFog now has an advantage to some degree by offering Node.js support capabilities. Founder Lucas Carlson is banking on the need for corporate wide need for using


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Retailers battle for pet food market share | Business, Political, and ...

The next time you need pet food, retailers know there is a good chance you?ll turn to your iPhone or laptop instead of grabbing your car keys. This has led big box retailers like Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and PetSmart to beef up their websites and online product offerings to take advantage.

Pet food is big business. Combined with pet services, this burgeoning industry rakes in an estimated $52 billion annually, according to the American Pet Products Association.

Pet consumables account for about half of the sector?s total revenue and dry dog food alone garnered $8 billion in sales last year, according to The Pet Food Institute.

One growing segment is online pet food sales which totaled $666 million in 2011, according to a report by IBISWorld. The food and treat category comprised roughly 33% of the $2 billion online pet-related sales in 2011.

The report indicates retailers see better profits in online sales which have been possible in part by innovative improvements in the supply chain and lower overhead costs.

According to IBISWorld analyst Kevin Culbert, premium pet food and supplies have boosted profitability because they typically have higher markups.

?Niche players like 1-800-PetMeds and discount retailers like Wal-Mart have rapidly gained market share within the industry,? Culbert noted in the report.

So it comes as no surprise Wal-Mart wants a larger slice of the pie.

Earlier this month Wal-Mart Stores Inc. unveiled its first premium quality private label dry dog food under the brand Pure Balance. It?s an effort give shoppers another option for a higher quality food at lower prices than major brands with similar ingredients.

?Wal-Mart customers, including me, consider our dogs family members so when it comes to their food we want the very best for them,? said Jody Pinson, vice president of pets at Wal-Mart. ?Our customers told us they wanted to be able to feed their dogs a dry food made with pure ingredients without having to make a special trip to the pet store. We listened and are excited to offer Pure Balance, an ultra premium dog food, at a price our customers can afford.?

Offering it in the store is not enough as Wal-Mart faces increased competition from online sites of virtual stores like PetMeds and PetFlow. Specialty retailers such as Petco and PetSmart also run active online businesses. PetSmart recently revamped its website and offers 8,000 products which are not found in its stores.

IBISWorld estimates virtual retailers like PetMeds Express, the parent company of, garner the biggest online market share in the industry. PetMeds Express has about 8.3% of the total share. The specialty retailer offers about 1,200 products online and through direct mail ? 71% of its sales are derived via the Internet.

Consumers also favor Petco over PetSmart and when ordering pet food and other supplies, according to IBISWorld.

Petco has an estimated 1.7% share of the online market and Wal-Mart has about 1%, according to the report. PetSmart ranks just below Wal-Mart with 0.9% as of 2011. When consumers think of Wal-Mart shopping, online options are not the first thing that comes to mind for many.

Consumers who earn more than $70,000 per year represent the largest market segment for online pet supply retailers, according to Culbert?s report. This income demographic is not generally deemed Wal-Mart?s core customer, but the retailer is still vying to get this business, and with good reason,.

In 2011, IBISWorld estimates that this income segment accounts for 53% of total industry revenue. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, on average, these consumers spend nearly $700 a year on pets and supplies. Because they have higher disposable incomes, they can buy more pets, supplies, food and medication.

So it?s no surprise Wal-Mart offers pet food and supplies online. Consumers can order the new premium dog food online along with dozens of other brands and ask for (site-to-store) delivery and pay no shipping costs. Orders valued above $45 can be shipped directly to the consumer with no additional charges.

Wal-Mart does not break-out its online pet sales for the public, but the retailer clearly knows a growing number of consumers want that option, which is why there are signs posted throughout the pet food section of brick and mortar stores that read ?free site-to-store delivery?.

Wal-Mart also goes head-to-head with other specialty stores like Phoenix-based PetSmart. That posted comparable-store sales up 7% in the recent quarter, driven by a 2.9% growth in comparable transactions. The company?s top line increased 9% year over year to $1.619. million. Net profits rose 31% from the prior year, according to the PetSmart?s second quarter results released Aug. 16.

PetSmart said during its recent earnings call more shoppers are purchasing online which prompted the retailer to revamp its website that added 3,500 products this year, which are not sold in its stores.

Another competitor nipping away at market share is New York-based The online company says it shipped more than $2.5 million to online customers in July and is on track to post annual sales of $30 million this year. The company is just two years old and attributes its success to a subscription business model that automatically delivers the pet food to a customer?s front door.

?Since our inception a little more than two years ago, has experienced extreme growth, but the statistic we?re most proud of is the very high return rate of our pet-owning customers,? said Alex Zhardanovsky, co-founder of ?The company?s growth demonstrates that our customers see their pet as a true family member and they profoundly prefer subscription approach to purchasing pet food and supplies when compared to the traditional, big box retailer approach to shopping.? says it stocks more than 100 premium brands, more than three times the amount of its traditional retail competitors. The company also actively uses social media channels to create an ongoing dialog with its customers, introduce new products and the engage the ?Pet Parent? demographic. founders Zhardanovky and Joe Speiser, both former online advertising entrepreneurs, have helped engineer the company?s popularity by combining a unique retail concept with a keen understanding of how to create a meaningful dialog with customers through Facebook and other social media channels. claims more than 530,000 active fans on Facebook.


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wealth managers talk about challenges, risk and what's ahead ...

Monday, August 27, 2012, 6:00 am

By Eric Gneckow, Business Journal Staff Reporter

The Business Journal surveyed wealth management advisers across the North Bay on three questions related to the investment climate today and long term. The responses of nearly two dozen follow.

(Listed alphabetically by company name)

Colleen Supran, principal

Bingham, Osborn & Scarborough, LLC

1201 Vine St., Ste. 102, Healdsburg, 707-433-7300,

Describe one significant challenge that you currently face as a wealth adviser.

Colleen Supran

Fixed income is an important part of our clients? portfolios; however, future bond performance may look very different from the above-average returns we experienced over the past 30 years. Interest rates are at very low levels and if rates rise in the future, bond prices will decline. Although we have been hearing predictions of higher interest rates for years, no one knows for sure when (or if) rates will rise. We address this uncertainty by using short- to intermediate-maturity bonds in client portfolios. These bonds tend to be more stable when interest rates change, steadying portfolio values when stock price volatility increases.

What mistakes do you see individual investors making in the current financial climate?

Interest rates (as measured by the 10-year U.S. Treasury) are near record lows and the Federal Reserve has vowed to keep yields low for the foreseeable future. Investors starved for yield are buying higher-risk securities that they may not understand or want to own if they could earn some interest on CDs or a money market account. To achieve high yields in this environment an investor must take on more risk. This is often an unacceptable tradeoff for the portion of a portfolio that should be invested in stable, low-risk assets.

What plot lines are you following as you look towards the future for investing?

We live in an uncertain world and investors will always have plenty to consider. As much as the world around us changes, we recognize that the plot line for the future is based on each client?s unique situation. Changes in a client?s work or family situation are often more meaningful inputs than the myriad of economic and global worries that are an inevitable part of the investment landscape. We spend a significant amount of time understanding individual risk tolerance and building portfolios that are customized to meet each investor?s needs.

Charles Root, managing director

Double Eagle Financial

2300 Bethards Dr., Ste. R, PO Box 2790, Santa Rosa, 707-576-1313,

Describe one significant challenge that you currently face as a wealth adviser.??

Charles Root

The major challenge is that too many clients watch the nightly news and see the overly negative news about the economy and everything in general. Rarely one sees any positive reinforcement to the changes that have been taking place and there have been many good ones that allow one to take advantage of business opportunities.

That said, businesses are concerned about costs and uncertainty, as well as future increase in taxes and healthcare costs.

With all these uncertainties, no one wants to make a move other than to hold on to their cash and resources.

What mistakes do you see individual investors making in the current financial climate???

Individual investors always make the same mistakes every cycle, which is one of the reasons the cycles are accentuated. They get impatient and sell at the worst critical part of the market and then wait until most of the recovery has taken place to buy back in. As a result they usually are out of phase with the market. Surveys have shown that individual investors have lower returns than professionals. One needs assurance by an expert adviser that will keep the investor calm in any kind of a market. Also, few investors or advisers for that matter know how to implement proper risk management when the market does start to go south.

What plot lines are you following as you look towards the future for investing?

Our game plan has few changes. We use an Offense plan and a Defense plan. We are now in the early stages of our Offense plan, that is to begin with serious money into the market when our charts give correct signals. During the period from May to October, the historical returns are minimal, so we are very cautious about putting large amounts into the market unless we have a strong signal to do so. We are always cautious unless we see strong signals for market bottoms.

As always our first rule is risk management, not to lose client money. Gain is secondary, since with small draw downs, one doesn?t need to get huge returns.

Related posts:

  1. Wealth managers urge long-term view on investments
  2. Wealth managers advise calm in volatile economy
  3. 2012 Top Wealth Managers survey ends April 27
  4. Wealth managers offer advice for uncertain times
  5. North Bay wealth, investment advisers offer their guidance

Copyright ? 1988?2012 North Bay Business Journal
View the policy for linking to website content.


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Josh Holloway in talks to join cast of "Ten"

LOS ANGELES ( - Josh Holloway is in negotiations to join the cast of David Ayer's action-thriller "Ten." He would join Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sam Worthington in the film, which is being produced by QED International and distributed in the U.S. by Open Road.

The film is loosely based in the Agatha Christie novel "Ten Little Indians." Skip Woods ("Swordfish," "The A-Team") wrote the adaptation, which follows a task force that robs a drug cartel. Holloway would play one of the members of the cartel.

The film will also star Malin Akerman, Terrence Howard, Mireille Enos, Joe Manganiello, Olivia Williams, Max Martini and Dawn Olivieri.

QED is producing with Roth Films, and Albert Ruddy. The film is due to start shooting in October.

Holloway's recent films include "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol" and Robert Luketic's thriller "Paranoia."


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Romney hopes Gulf Coast spared major destruction

WOLFEBORO, N.H. (AP) ? Mitt Romney says his thoughts are with those in the path of the storm bearing down on the Gulf Coast.

But the Republican presidential contender suggested Monday that he was not considering canceling the Republican National Convention in Florida.

The strengthening storm is expected to make landfall near New Orleans this week in the midst of the GOP's convention. It's also the seven-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, which devastated much of the Gulf Coast.

Romney briefly addressed reporters Monday morning as he entered a high school auditorium near his New Hampshire summer home to rehearse his convention speech.

He says he hopes that those in the storm's path are "spared any major destruction."

Asked whether he had considered canceling the convention, Romney said only, "We've got a great convention ahead."


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Monday, August 27, 2012

GreeneYoungDems.Org ? Benefits of Direct Mail Against PPC

August 27th, 2012

A small business company can use various types of promotion instruments these days. Any type of advertising or marketing a company uses can often work or not depending on how the product or service has been promoted. But obviously, you can find other facets that influence it. Some strong types of marketing tools will be the utilization of tri-media (print offer, tv, and radio) and on the web adverts. Word of mouth is as effective as the others, also, because this is one of the keys for these marketing methods to be discovered and recognised.Focusing more on the print and online advertisement, an example of the former would be direct email postcards while for online marketing, atlanta seo company or pay-per-click advertising is one form of advertising software utilizing the web. Direct mail postcard is a form of direct marketing that is offered by printed advertising postcard to its clients. Many of these corporations who?d prefer to use direct mail would be political strategies, agents, and medical practitioners delivering out consultation reminders. Printed advertising postcards have a plus over other direct marketing methods such as for example words since postcards present the information immediately upon receipt by the prospect.On the other hand, PPC or pay-per-click motor is really a kind of online or web advertising tool that uses search engines, internet marketing, and content sites. The way this form of advertisement is performed is promoters or businesses select an affiliate site to market their product on the web and once their advertisement is clicked by likely customers.What benefits simply pay them does immediate mail have over PPC? Discussing pricing, PPC can be a little bit more costly than direct mail. For example, each time a business uses printed advertising postcards, they might make greater sum at a fixed cost as the use of PPC engine is dependent on the number of clicks, so there?s no particular limit to the cost an advertiser can prepare for this type of marketing. As to narrowing down the mark market for product dissemination, the use of direct mail could be more ?direct,? while the title suggests, because there are some firms that serve only to a specific market segment. Pay-per-click can generate wider product consciousness but might not really be useful or useful for a potential customer if the said product is not available in that particular location.Direct mail advertising guarantees that your objective of marketing your product will undoubtedly be quickly made recognized to your web visitors. However, with PPC, it?s a stiff competition based on which keyword has more fat for search engine optimization. Moreover, you will find options that your online ad could be misinterpreted as fraud or spam, according to how it?s promoted. This will decrease the probability of getting a greater understanding on the clients.Choosing direct mail advertising over PPC is definitely a many more advantageous. A company could still prefer to have both ways to advertise their product, although. But if you think about your advertising budget, then direct mail could be more effective.

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French singer Hallyday hospitalized for bronchitis

PARIS (AP) ? Johnny Hallyday's producer says the French entertainer famed for his Elvis-like style and gravelly voice has been hospitalized with a severe case of bronchitis.

According to the Sipa news agency, producer Gilbert Coullier said the hospitalization on the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe was a "precautionary measure." The 69-year-old singer was on a summer break from an international tour that is still slated to resume in October.

In a tweet, Hallyday's son David thanked well-wishers and added, "The news is good, which reassures us tremendously."

Hallyday has been popular in France for five decades, bringing his own combination of American culture and French songs to packed concert halls.


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Pest control Roseville ensures you of a clean ... -

The pest control Roseville delves into the core of the issue. This is done to help you out with an eco friendly solution.

The pest control Roseville serves the areas of Sacramento, Citrus Heights, Folsom, Lincoln, Carmichael and the areas surrounding these. Whether your issue is localized to a pest of a particular kind, or there are different varieties of them to bug you, the scientifically oriented pest control scheme is there to cater to your cause. The damage wrecked by pests is immeasurable. It isn't at all possible to go ahead with the same all by yourself. In addition, the means of control need to be healthy as well as, eco-friendly. Pets, children, as well as plants need to be kept beyond the poisonous means of bugs' control.

It is here that the pest control Roseville chips in with its necessary bit. The service helps you deal with some of the commonly relevant pests including ants, ticks, wasps, rodents, fleas, silverfish and cricket. There are other varieties, which are worth, being included in the category of nuisance, as well. But irrespective of the kind of infestation, the service makes it a point to ensure you of the necessary seal of safety. The service is equipped with trained experts. The experts not only implement the schemes of control but counsel you on tips and tricks whereby you are able to keep your household ambience free from pests, bugs and insights.

You will obviously like the verdant greenery surrounding your house to be free from weeds. Similarly, you would like your turf to present a perfect look of health and freshness. In order to ensure the same, it is important to keep the landscape free from infestation. The expert professionals of the pest control Roseville can guide you towards the clean and green solution. In case, you find yourself under the onslaught of rats and rodents. The preventive mechanism of the mentioned service will make sure that the unhealthy stint is put to an end.

As part of the pest elimination scheme, the exterior of your household premise will be thoroughly investigated. The leading areas of access will be focused upon. While initially, the internal premise will be investigated, during the following courses of visit the focus will be on the external areas. The pest control Roseville gears to protecting the external zone thoroughly. Quite understandably, the protection of exterior will ultimately serve to keep the interior from rats, rodents and the other causes of nuisance.

The author is one of the best authors writing on pest control Roseville these days. If you are looking for some high quality and valuable information on rodent control Roseville , you will find the finest information provided by this author. Once you start reading his articles, you will find the real difference and uniqueness of the articles.

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Armstrong's small step a giant leap for humanity

FILE - A footprint left by one of the astronauts of the Apollo 11 mission shows in the soft, powder surface of the moon on July 20, 1969. Commander Neil A. Armstrong and Air Force Col. Edwin E. "Buzz" Aldrin Jr. became the first men to walk on the moon after blastoff from Cape Kennedy, Fla., on July 16, 1969. The family of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, says he has died at age 82. A statement from the family says he died following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures. It doesn't say where he died. Armstrong commanded the Apollo 11 spacecraft that landed on the moon July 20, 1969. He radioed back to Earth the historic news of "one giant leap for mankind." Armstrong and fellow astronaut Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin spent nearly three hours walking on the moon, collecting samples, conducting experiments and taking photographs. In all, 12 Americans walked on the moon from 1969 to 1972. (AP Photo/NASA)

FILE - A footprint left by one of the astronauts of the Apollo 11 mission shows in the soft, powder surface of the moon on July 20, 1969. Commander Neil A. Armstrong and Air Force Col. Edwin E. "Buzz" Aldrin Jr. became the first men to walk on the moon after blastoff from Cape Kennedy, Fla., on July 16, 1969. The family of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, says he has died at age 82. A statement from the family says he died following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures. It doesn't say where he died. Armstrong commanded the Apollo 11 spacecraft that landed on the moon July 20, 1969. He radioed back to Earth the historic news of "one giant leap for mankind." Armstrong and fellow astronaut Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin spent nearly three hours walking on the moon, collecting samples, conducting experiments and taking photographs. In all, 12 Americans walked on the moon from 1969 to 1972. (AP Photo/NASA)

FILE - In this July 20, 1969 file photo provided by NASA shows Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin E. "Buzz" Aldrin, the first men to land on the moon, plant the U.S. flag on the lunar surface. The family of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, says he has died at age 82. A statement from the family says he died following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures. It doesn't say where he died. Armstrong commanded the Apollo 11 spacecraft that landed on the moon July 20, 1969. He radioed back to Earth the historic news of "one giant leap for mankind." Armstrong and fellow astronaut Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin spent nearly three hours walking on the moon, collecting samples, conducting experiments and taking photographs. In all, 12 Americans walked on the moon from 1969 to 1972. (AP Photo/NASA)

FILE - In undated photo provided by NASA shows Neil Armstrong. The family of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, says he has died at age 82. A statement from the family says he died following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures. It doesn't say where he died. Armstrong commanded the Apollo 11 spacecraft that landed on the moon July 20, 1969. He radioed back to Earth the historic news of "one giant leap for mankind." Armstrong and fellow astronaut Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin spent nearly three hours walking on the moon, collecting samples, conducting experiments and taking photographs. In all, 12 Americans walked on the moon from 1969 to 1972. (AP Photo/NASA)

FILE - In this Feb. 11, 1986 file photo, former astronaut Neil Armstrong, a member of the presidential panel investigating the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion, listens to testimony before the commission in Washington, David Acheson, a commission member, listens in the background. A model of the shuttle sits on the table. The family of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, says he has died at age 82. A statement from the family says he died following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures. It doesn't say where he died. Armstrong commanded the Apollo 11 spacecraft that landed on the moon July 20, 1969. He radioed back to Earth the historic news of "one giant leap for mankind." Armstrong and fellow astronaut Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin spent nearly three hours walking on the moon, collecting samples, conducting experiments and taking photographs. In all, 12 Americans walked on the moon from 1969 to 1972. (AP Photo/Scott Stewart)

(AP) ? When man first harnessed fire, no one recorded it. When the Wright Brothers showed man could fly, only a handful of people witnessed it. But when Neil Armstrong took that first small step on the moon in July 1969, an entire globe watched in grainy black-and-white from a quarter million miles away

We saw it. We were part of it. He took that "giant leap for mankind" for us.

Although more than half of the world's population wasn't alive then, it was an event that changed and expanded the globe.

"It's a human achievement that will be remembered forever," said John Logsdon, professor emeritus of space policy at George Washington University. Those first steps were beamed to nearly every country around the world, thanks to a recently launched satellite. It was truly the first global mass media event, Logsdon said. An estimated 600 million people ? 1 out of every 5 on the planet ? watched.

The two historical events likely to be long remembered from the 20th Century are the moon landing and the first atomic bomb, said Smithsonian Institution space curator Roger Launius.

"There is no way to overestimate that significance in human history and he is forever linked to that," Launius said of Armstrong, who died Saturday at age 82.

??????????????? Just as the voyage of Christopher Columbus split historic eras 500 years ago, so will Neil Armstrong and Apollo 11, said Rice University historian Douglas Brinkley, a specialist in 20th Century history.

??????????????? "We may be living in the age of Armstrong," said Brinkley, who conducted oral histories for NASA, including sessions with Armstrong.

The late science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke wrote that the Apollo 11 moon landing was "one of the great divides in human history; we are sundered from it forever by the moment when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin stepped out on to the Sea of Tranquility. Now history and fiction have become inexorably intertwined."

Since that day, there's been a common phrase: "If we can send a man to the moon, why can't we ... ?" with the blank filled with a task that seems far less difficult.

Armstrong's small step was that leap in confidence telling the world "if we can do this, we can do anything," said Howard McCurdy, a professor of space and public policy at American University and author of the book "Space and the American Imagination."

"He took something that 20 years earlier was pure fantasy and turned it into reality and if we could do that for space we could do it for anything," McCurdy said Saturday.

The Apollo 11 moon landing was the finish line in a decade-long space race started by the Soviet Union. And so the first steps on the moon coming from an American civilian had many meanings. Getting there first showed American technological superiority, but Armstrong mentioned mankind ? not Americans ? demonstrating that this was a moment for the people of Earth, McCurdy said.

Armstrong and Aldrin left a plaque on the moon that read:? "Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the moon. July 1969 A.D. We came in peace for all mankind."

For all mankind. And that's how the world took it.

"The success for America (is a) success for every living man" reported the Swahili-language newspaper Nguromo of Dar.

And if that wasn't enough, Armstrong and Aldrin also left a patch to commemorate NASA astronauts and Soviet cosmonauts who had died in pursuit of space.

"It was special and memorable but it was only instantaneous because there was work to do," Armstrong told an Australian television interviewer this year.

The Cold War may have slightly muted the significance of the event at the time, but over the years the importance of the moon landing has only grown, Logsdon said.

It's permeated into culture. The moon landing is in movies, television, books, songs and it was even Michael Jackson's signature dance step. That's probably because in some ways that moonwalk touched something that has been hard-wired into humanity: the need to explore. For 25,000 years, humans have been migrating and pushing into new places. Armstrong took it to new heights.

John Glenn, the first American to orbit the Earth, noted it was "the first time any human being set foot on a place other than Earth, and that's a pretty big step."


Seth Borenstein can be followed at

Associated Press


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Vegan Inspiration: August Recipe Round-Up! - Healthy. Happy. Life.

In case you missed them, I've been blogging vegan recipes + tips all month long over at's Family Kitchen blog. And some amazing vegan bloggers have been submitting their posts to my other site!

Vegan Inspiration Galore. Check out the recipes you may have missed this month. This round-up is perfect for some Meatless Monday inspiration!..

Recipe Round-Up:
1. My vegan recipe links from's Family Kitchen
2. Highlights from blogger-submitted posts over at

My Vegan Family Kitchen Recipes

1. Time for Dessert: Peanut Butter Snickerdoodle Cake - with vegan chocolate sauce drizzle
2. Healthy Snacking: 11 Amazing Kale Chip Recipes - plus get my 5 common errors when making kale chips in my post: Kale Chip Troubleshooting
3. Meatless Meals: 14 Meatless Meal Recipes for back to school!
4. Dessert Oatmeal: Dessert-Inspired Oatmeal - recipe round-up!
5. Smile: Adorable Kids Lunches! Kid-Approved Creative Veggie Bentos - this round-up of ADORABLE lunches is not to be missed. Smiles will happen.
6. Smasher: Peanut Mandarin Lunch Rice Bowl - a smashing way to make a healthy lunch happen.
7. Smoothie! Blueberry Peach Grapefruit Smoothie - super refreshing.
8. Pasta: Quickie Lemon-Cajun Pasta - cheezy with nutritional yeast!
10. Bowl: Peanut Butter Rice Bowl + Tofu - fast, delish and easy.
11. Oats: Chocolate Cookie Dough Oatmeal - surprisingly healthy! See the nutritional facts.
12. Raw Treat: Raw Building Blocks + Fruity Shapes - had to share this creative kids recipe from Anya of G0lubka.
13. Kids Drink: Colorful "Cool" Aid .. shared this healthy version beverage by Lexie's Kitchen.
14. Contest!.. Enter Pure Bar's Vegetarian Recipe Contest: details on Family Kitchen.
15. Kid Smoothie: Green Smoothie for Kids! Shared from For the Love of Food Blog.
16. Still Hot? Check out my 5 foods to endure a hot month. Coconut water is one of them.
17. Fancy Bite: Plum + Pepper +Jack "Cheese" Bites - a summer-infused appetizer or snack. Perfect with wine!

more recipes featured above: Kale Chips, Cajun Pasta, Dessert Oatmeal, Plum Jack Bites..

Finding Vegan Highlights (from your fave bloggers on the web!)
The Top "Heart-ed" Recipes + a few of my personal faves.

*Want to have your vegan recipe link considered for these highlights? Submit it to today!*

1. Banana Split Popsicles by Healthful Pursuit
2. Coconut and Cookies & Cream No-Bake Pie submitted by Made Just Right
3. Mini Vegan Meatloaves by Oh My Veggies
4. Maple Pecan Caramel Cream Tartlette - Raw by Fragrant Vanilla Cake
5. Copycat Chipotle Rice: Cilantro Lime Rice by J3NN
6. Veggie Cream Cheese Tortilla Roll-Ups by The Tolerant Vegan
7. Coconut Scones by Oh Lady Cakes
8. Red Velvet Carob Cake - in two minutes! by Including Cake
9. Lentil Sloppy Joes by Namely Marly
10. Mexican Tater Tot Personal Pizzas by Meet the Shannons
11. Oatmeal Cookie Pancakes with Cinnamon Maple Frosting by Flora Foodie
12. Vegan Buffalo Bites with Blue Cheese Dressing by 86 Lemons
13. 1 Minute Coffee Cake - in a mug by Chocolate Covered Katie
14. Flowering Chive and Garlic Dumplings by Olives for Dinner
15. Vanilla Bean Brown Sugar Almond Butter by Healthy Food for Living
16. Pesto Potato Chickpea Salad by Keepin' it Kind
17. Peanut Butter Blaster Mallow Cups by Sketch Free Vegan
18. Fluffy Garden Herb Biscuits by Bittersweet
19. Elegant Rosemary Polenta Dinner Plate by Liz Lemon Nights
20. Cookie Dough Dip by Mouthwatering Foods
21. Mason Jar Oatmeal by Love Them Madly

And you can get more recipe inspiration in my vegan recipe index


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Purchase Oil Painting For Good Reasons Article - eTrafficLane

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Purchase Oil Painting for Good Reasons by Vijay

When you are planning to buy oil paintings for your home it is extremely significant to decide the reason for buying the painting. Usually reason for buying oil painting falls in to three categories: decoration, collection or investment.

Vijay kanth is a seo copywriter having more than 3 years of experience in this field who is currently working for the site For further information on oil paintings and Solvents please visit or contact me through mail:

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Commonly people are interested in buying oil painting as a picturesque that some thing nice to upload on the wall,abercrombie and fitch,A Beginners Fitness Plan Article ? Health Articles, some thing that gives you aesthetic and pretty emotional pleasure and might relate on some topic about them selves. It is not purchased as a reason for investment and does not actually require to be original,Robe De Mariee, even the oil painting reproduction would be amazing in that room and be something that owners really loves it.

Oil painting reproductions as well have their worth practically well. To grab attractive works try going around any usual art galleries,The Growing Popularity Of Self Storage Units Among Businesses Article ? Business, note down the artists name and name of oil paintings that you like and then you just need to contact a reproduction artist to copy the same for you. If you are collecting then you would really require deciding on some basic subjects for your collection, what types of art and what type of artists are you going to build your set around. Looking online is again a good idea,Cheap Rolex Watches, as there are now many galleries that are displaying original art from all sorts of artists at every price level. The talent remains in buying art that you really like and enjoys,Chaussures louboutin, and at the same time selects pieces,Ralph Lauren pas cher, which go together in some way to shape a collection, which feels like it belongs together.

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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Short Meaningful Quotes |

Here?s a list of some short meaningful quotes for you wonderful folks to read and ponder. Why short? Because most people seem to skip quotes that are more than 2 lines long. We?re lazy that way I guess. I?ll be adding more as I find them.

1. Don?t look for inspiration. Start working and inspiration will come to you.

2. Move on, it?s just a chapter in the past but don?t close the book. Just turn the page.

3. Everyone thinks of changing the world, but few think of changing themselves.

4. People who are too weak to follow their own dreams will always find a way to discourage yours.

5. Being happy doesn?t mean everything is perfect. It means you have decided to look beyond the imperfections.

6. The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. ? Steve Jobs

7. There is a thin line between knowing when to give up and when to try harder.

8. Live for the moments you can?t put into words.

9. Take risks: if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise.

10. Stand up for what is right, even if you?re standing alone.

11. In the end, it?s not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away.

12. Never regret something that once made you smile.

13. Never give up on something you can?t go a day without thinking about.

14. What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us. ? Ralph Waldo Emerson

15. When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.

16. Fear is what stops you. Courage is what keeps you going.

17. The only people you need in your life are the ones that need you in theirs.

18. You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

19. It?s not who you are that holds you back, it?s who you think you?re not. ? Hanoch McCarty

20. Be strong. Things will get better. It might be stormy now, but it can?t rain forever.

21. A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success.

22. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. ? Lao Tzu

23. Sometimes people put up walls, not to keep others out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.

24. Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.


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Search For Nearby Food Outlets on Your Phones | Tech Blizz

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search food store through phone

Technology has invented new ways of spreading convenience among people and one of its examples is phone applications for discovering new places to eat. Many applications like Urban-spoon, Open-table, Yelp etc. help people search places to eat with the place of their phones. People who want to try some cafe or are looking for some specific cuisine get great benefit from such applications.
Out of many applications below is the list of five preferred and widely used applications for searching exciting new places for dining out:

  • Open-table
  • Urban-spoon
  • Food spotting
  • Yelp
  • Google Places

These applications are not just fun to use but easy to use too. These applications work on Android, BlackBerry etc. and many other Smartphones. Below is the description of each of the five above mentioned applications explaining their features;

This application works on many smartphones including Blackberry, Android, iOS, WP7 and WebOS. It is a fun application through which people can reserve tables at restaurants using there smartphone. The process is easy and quick. No calls required to deal with host or hostess to reserve tables. Making reservations easy is still one the most favorite feature of this application. Other features of the application include showing a list of restaurants that are near the location of the user and also upon using the service of the application user can earn points or awards too. Also the user of the application can read reviews of different restaurants posted by Open-table members.

The application is available on Android, Blackberry and iOS. Urban-spoon was first introduced as a Blackberry application but slowly the application got famous for its trademark feature ?shake to randomly select a place to have lunch?. This feature made the application be loved by people who use Smartphones. Other features that the application includes are:

  • ?Allowing people to post and compare reviews
  • ?Searching restaurants nearby and many other

The application has also received positive reviews from food blogs and newspapers which makes the application a real deal for Smartphone users.

This is another famous, preferred and widely used application called Food-spotting. The application is available on iOS, Android, Blackberry and WP7. The most interesting feature that the application holds is that it allows the Smartphone users to not just suggest restaurants but also suggest preferred dishes. This interesting feature allows the user to take pictures of a favorite food or drink at a restaurant and uploading it to the service, writing a small review and sharing it with other users or friends.
Any new user will be shown the photos of dishes that are available at nearby location along with a list of restaurants. This visual approach to this feature of the application makes it interesting, loved and unique.

Yelp application is available on iOS, Android, Blackberry, WP7 and Web OS. Yelp?s services use the on board GPS of the Smartphone users to show them the nearby restaurants, clubs, bars and other hangout places existing in their area. Users can also know what places are open, what kind of food is available at different places and the least, the user can spend. Also Yelp shows the restaurant and other such place?s hours. Yelp can help a user knows some preferred places of the area, also suggests the user where to go and what to have. The massive community members is a strength as well as a weakness of Yelp because the availability of a lot of reviews can sometimes confuse the user but sometimes the reviews prove to be of great help too.

Google Places:
This application is a bit new but already has gained much attention as compared to others. The application is available on iOS and android where Google?s ever growing and extensive database of information on restaurants and their locations. The information helps user find restaurants, bars and other places of interest like ATMs, banks etc. easily using Google places. Other features include photos of restaurants, contact information, review reading and posting. In Android, the app is part of Google Maps, and lets you get turn-by-turn driving directions or call the restaurant directly.
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