Wednesday, August 15, 2012

home base ? Orange County photographer | Tara Whitney ? Orange ...

Tristan - I am so so in love with this session! That car with the sunset, gorg!

Cathy - What a gorgeous family. Seriously. I want my family shoot to look like this someday. : )

carly Clarke - it's like every photo you take jumps out of the screen grabs your head and shakes it. your eyeballs and fingers weave magic. singed, big fan

Heather M - Tara...I may have posted this several times in the years I have followed you, but some day, I will have enough savings to have you fly to here to PA and photograph my family. I want to be you when I grow up!!

Heather M - p.s. I am always in admiration of your beach-style shoots. This summer I set out to conquer some Tara-inspired images and I was so in love with what I got out of my children by just letting them be. I only have blogged a few, but if you ever get a moment to check out a "nobody", go here...

Laura H. - love the bathroom light. and the gardening? be still my heart.

Tara Whitney - Heather, that's so great!

kelly mccaleb - wow. just wow.

isabel - you are SO good i should just put down my camera and give up. i am in love with how you capture families.

Lisa Wilcox - Tara..I rarely comment but always look..and smile. I have followed and known of you for so long..back to a site that I believe was called "Two Peas and a Bucket"..something along those lines. I would post photos and you would comment and encourage me. I just wanted to let you know that you are inspiring to me in so many ways. I don't want to come across as cheesy but your posts stick with me. I look at them again and again. You have such an honestly within your work..something I think so many of us strive for and so few have. Thank you for sharing your life and your work. The first image in this series is honestly one of my favorites of yours. The light from behind, the expression. the dust you can see within the light, the teddy bear and crown in the background. I would have that huge in my house. Its such a beautiful photo.


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