Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Easy mode will ruin a game, says Assassin's Creed dev | Lazygamer ...


Some games out there, are ludicrously easy, even when the challenge has been amped up to 11. Titles like The Amazing Spider-Man, or Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2, which played like a high budget title that had training wheels attached to it. And that?s generally not a very good thing to have on your new game, something which Assassin?s Creed 3 creative director Alex Hutchinson believes can ruin the enjoyment of the game.

?A lot of games have been ruined by easy modes,? Hutchinson said to EDGE. ?If you have a cover shooter and you switch it to easy and you don?t have to use cover, you kind of broke your game. You made a game that is essentially the worst possible version of your game.?

Hutchinson then also demonstrated this problem, citing examples of how other media such as movies and books needed to be broad in order to attract as many people as possible to spend some cash on it, something that video games should not have to worry about.

?It?s like if I picked up a book and it said, ?Do you want the easy version or the complicated version??? Hutchinson said. As usual, Assassin?s Creed 3 won?t have options when it comes to difficulty modes, and will instead have one set level of challenges. The variety here though, is that AC3 will instead reward players by asking them to complete certain tasks during a mission, goals which are difficult to accomplish.

It?s not the first time that? ?Easy Mode? has been in the headlines this week, after Dark Souls director Hidetaka Miyazaki mentioned that his notoriously difficult game might receive such an option, in order to draw more people in.

And while it is great to have a genuinely challenging experience in a game, sometimes, you can alienate audiences by making things too hard on them. What do you guys think, should games have options there for less skilled players, or should we keep things set at maximum challenge?


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