Wednesday, September 12, 2012

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September 11, 2012

Friends of Glom in the News

Posted by Usha Rodrigues

1. I mightily enjoyed Glom emeritus Vic Fleischer's Standard Deduction column explaining why Facebook is paying the tax tab on employee compensation.? Answer: it really isn't, and it has to go through these machinations because of Zuckerberg's use of restricted stock unit awards instead of restricted stock to compensate employees.? And that's because he wanted to keep the total stockholder number below that old, defunct-thanks-to-the-JOBS-Act magic number 500.? Good stuff.

2. Congratulations to TOTM's Josh Wright, nominated to be the next FTC Commissioner.? Of course, as a legal academic blogger Wright already commanded vast amounts of prestige and influence.? I'm sure the FTC will be nice, too.

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