Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Berlin's YouTube pony had grand day out - The Local

The pony that enjoyed its 15 minutes (or 56 seconds on YouTube) of fame on a Berlin train last Friday also visited H&M and McDonald's on its big day out in the city, the 16-year-old owner revealed at the weekend.

The YouTube video of Seppi the Shetland pony riding the S-Bahn train in Berlin on Friday trended on social media sites, and has since garnered over 300,000 views - as well as comments ranging from "typical Berlin" to others concerned about the animal's welfare.

The 16-year-old Frauke, who was accompanying the animal, told Berlin's B.Z. newspaper that she had started the day-long excursion on a whim after she was stood up by a friend at a train station outside Berlin.

"He didn't come, so I just got on the train with the pony," she said. "Everyone was taking photos or stroking Seppi. Because it was so funny I just kept travelling."

She travelled all the way from Schulzendorf, in the south east of the city, to the central Friedrichstra?e station, where a conductor on a platform asked her if she had a ticket. When she told him she did, he said "okay", without asking to see to see it, she said.

From there she went on to Alexanderplatz and Ostbahnhof, where she met another friend and walked back to Friedrichstra?e. "We went round a branch of H&M," she said. When a worker asked her to leave, the cheeky teenager shot back, "Dogs are allowed too!"

She then returned to Alexanderplatz, where she visited a McDonald's at the train station. "I bought myself a Coke, Seppi just stood next to me totally calm," said Frauke.

It was not untill nearly 7pm when Frauke and Seppi eventually made their way home, and it was on this journey that they were filmed by passenger Jarkko Riihim?ki.

The Local/bk


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