Thursday, December 20, 2012

Heroic Creatures, Great and Small: Salute To Furry, Four-Legged ...

The photo-lined "Wall of Heroes" at a San Ramon vet clinic commemorates some?80 dogs and cats?as life-saving champs for their blood-donor contributions.

"They've saved numerous lives," said Margaret Urquhart, hospital administrator at Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center & Urgent Care,?which?launched the?blood-donor program about 10 years ago for its clients.

Whether due to?accidents, scheduled surgeries or medical disorders, animals ?akin to?their human owners ? often need?blood transfusions, staffers said.

In general, veterinary hospitals access statewide blood providers for?four-legged clientele's needs.

Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center, however,?opted to create its own blood bank, saying freshly drawn, "whole" blood is best-suited for its patients, coupled with the?instant access.?

"Sometimes the interval between the need for blood and the time it becomes available from an outside blood bank can be the difference between life and death," said Dr. Franklin Utchen, a founding veterinarian at the clinic.

"With many conditions," he added, "early treatment is the key to survival."??

Bishop Ranch Veterinary Clinic maintains?separate?feline and canine donor lists, as?blood is matched to species, and then, much like human blood banks, to the? animal's?specific blood type.?

Dogs' blood,?in short, is either "negative" or "positive,"?explained registered vet technician Samantha Belmont, adding that it depends?whether?dogs test positive or negative for a certain antigen.

Dog donors' blood is then matched to recipient dogs, she said.

Cats' blood, meanwhile, is trickier.

Most cats are?Type A. Exotic or purebred?cats are often the more rare Type B. And some?super-rare kitties weigh in as Type AB, Belmont said.

Cat-blood donations are typically used on an as-needed basis. "We call in donors as we need them," Belmont said.

The call for dogs' blood is greater, she said, with?donations?stored on site?for up to 30 days.

Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center averages about one doggy donor a month.

The blood-drawing process takes about 30 minutes,?sometimes requiring mild sedation of the animals, according to vet staff.

Pet owners, in addition to knowing their furry charges are helping others, are rewarded with?complimentary physical?exams,?plus nail trims, for their dogs and cats, Belmont added.?

Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center's blood program is?for?clients only, as donors and recipients are all clinic patients.

And there are requirements. Donor cats, for example, must be indoor only. Dogs need to weigh 70 pounds or more.

Bishop Ranch also takes?plasma transfusions many times a year, storing on-site this "clear" part of?blood, which?contains?compounds critical to?treating certain life-threatening conditions, Utchen said.?

For more information, contact Belmont at

To learn more about Bishop Rancy Veterinary Center and Urgent Care Clinic, view its web page at or follow the?group?on?its Facebook page here.








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