Tuesday, October 16, 2012

First Person: Household Battles over Presidential Race One Campaign Ad at a Time

Yahoo News asked voters in politically split relationships to share what it's like to support one presidential candidate when their significant others don't. Here's one voter's story.

FIRST PERSON | My husband, Anthony, and I have never been big on politics. He's the Air Force, so we move often, most recently to Las Vegas. All year, we promised to educate ourselves politically, starting with watching the debates after Labor Day, and then make our choices.

Anthony, 34, comes from a very Republican household -- Republican to the point I could almost tolerate Ann Coulter. Almost.

I'm 27 and come from a fairly Democratic family with one black sheep brother who considers Rush Limbaugh among his top 10 heroes. I swear to this day we are not related.

I am an independent voter, and my husband is registered as Republican. Of course, at this point he is supporting Romney, and I am still clutching to hope that Obama might see re-election. Yet, politics is never much discussed in our household, especially because we live with two homosexual guys with a kid, five dogs and one cat. Yes, we're a tad crazy.

While watching television the other night, Anthony pops his head over his computer screen and says, "That's it I'm voting for Romney." After recovering from choking on my spoonful of soup, I try to not show my displeasure and ask, "Why?" His response killed me: "I'm voting for Romney because all the commercials bash him, and not one bashes Obama."

Yep. Lost my soup laughing a second time. I have noticed there are more pro-Obama ads on the Internet than on TV. However, I have also noticed way more pro-Romney ads on TV than on the Internet. Deeming it is next to impossible to get my husband to sit through a 30-minute show of any kind without being distracted, I have yet to be able to prove my point.

It has now resulted to us yelling at each other from across the house every single time we see a political commercial to try to show the other one up. There has been one minor failure on both our parts: Neither one of us has actually kept track of the number of ads. Surely, this is a fight neither of us is going to win.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/first-person-household-battles-over-presidential-race-one-204100098.html

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